The Party (3)

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        It was finally Friday, I got up and did my regular morning activities (changing, brushing my teeth, etc…) and went to school on my bike.  After a boring ride to school I locked up my bike and went to my  friend’s regular meeting spot.  Like usual everyone was there before me so I went and sat down with them, obviously next to Chandler.  Everyone said “Hi” in unison except for Chandler, who put his arm around me as I sat down and kissed me on my cheek before saying, “Hi”.  I said “Hi” back to everyone and kissed Chandler’s cheek in return.  After I was all settled in everyone kept talking about whatever they were talking about before.

            Once the bell rang Chandler and I walked to class together.  That class was boring, I finished all my classwork, I don’t know what I learned, but I knew I was done learning.  Once the class bell rang I gave Chandler a kiss goodbye and we split ways, going to our next classes.  The rest of my classes were ordinary, except for seeing Austin during 7th period looking happy.  Other than that it was just uneventful.

            After school I got on my bike and rode home, took a shower, and changed for Chandler’s party.  Once I was ready I got my mom to drive me there, the only reason she said yes is because I told her that Chandler’s Uncle would be chaperoning the party.  She called Chandler’s house to make sure I wasn’t lying, which she soon figured out I wasn’t.  Once she dropped me off I walked up to his house, which was already playing loud music.

            I knocked on the door and waited a couple seconds.  Ashley, the girl from the movie theater that was inhumanly perky, answered it.  When she saw me, her smile instantly faded, but she soon smiled again and said with an awkward and kind of tensed voice, “Ohh… Chandler told me to tell you… he uhh… he doesn’t want to see you again… he decided he isn’t gay and you can’t be near him with your gayness anymore… sorry.”  I looked at her like she was crazy and she sort of looked down at the ground awkwardly.

            “Yea sure, lemme talk to him and I’ll get him to kick you out for trying to get me to leave… You don’t even know how many fan fictions I’ve seen about Chandler where there is one girl like you who tells a lie like that and gets the other girl to run away crying, now shoo.”  I said with an irritated tone.

            “Wow, rude.  I was just uhh… messing around haha.”  She said awkwardly, but I could tell she was lying and actually wanted me to leave.

            “I hope you realize that the only reason you are here is because you were caught in my invitation, so don’t push it.”  I smirked at her as she gasped with a hurt tone, as if my words knocked the wind out of her.  (Jason is feeling sassy today.)

            “Okay okay!  Just calm down.”  She opened up the door completely and let me in.  I walked inside and walked past a bunch of Chandler’s friends I didn’t know and a couple I did know.  After a couple seconds I found Chandler and walked up behind him.  I put my hands over his eyes from behind him and asked, “Guess who?” in a weird low voice so he couldn’t tell from my voice.

            He stood there for a second silent and then said, “Well I’ve only done this with one person in my life… so imma say Jason…” He pulled my hands away from his eyes and turned around.  When he saw me we smiled and then kissed.  I think the kiss lasted pretty long since the person he was talking with before did the little “clear throat” thing.  We separated lips and I looked over Chandler’s shoulder to see an old guy.  Chandler cleared his throat and put his arm around me, then pulled me to his side as he turned back around to the old man.  I smiled at the man awkwardly waiting for Chandler to say something, which he did.  “Hi Uncle Dave, this is Jason.  My boyfriend.”  His Uncle put his hand out for a handshake, which I took, he then said, “Nice to meet you.”

            “You too.”  I replied.  After that I stood there awkwardly for about a minute before Chandler said, “Okay, we’re going to go do things now.”  We turned away from his Uncle and walked away.  After another long kiss Chandler left to go meet the arriving people, so I sat down and waited for him.  While I was waiting, to my surprise, I saw Wes and Grace together.  Like together, as in Grace and Wes on the couch next to me making out crazily.  After another couple seconds I sighed as I saw Ashley approach me.  “Hi Jason, I just want to say sorry about wanting you to leave earlier, it’s just that I am kind of jealous of you and Chandler, we used to be together and then he dumped me.  And now you have him, I don’t know why all the cute boys have to be gay,” she pointed at Wes, “Or taken.”

            I was practically ignoring her, so all I heard was her say she used to be Chandler’s girlfriend.  That just made this a lot more awkward.  I looked over to her and asked, “If you knew that he was taken than why did you ask to hangout with him?  Isn’t that just like… torturing yourself?”

            “Well… I was kind of hoping to find someone here that I could go out with.  I dragged Grace here and it seems like she is having a better time than me.”  She sighed.  I awkwardly sat there, hoping Chandler would come back soon and get me away from this train wreck of a girl.  After a few seconds of awkward silence I felt a something slightly touch my hand, which was on the couch next to me.  I looked over and saw Ashley’s hand was partially on mine.  Well this is awkward I thought.  I slowly moved my hand away.  When I did that she looked at me and scooted closer.  Our bodies were only around an inch apart now.  “What are you doing?”

            She whispered, “It’s okay Jason, I think I can make you straight, or at least bi.  Just gimme a chance.”  She was practically trying to get on top of me now.

            “Get off me!”  I said, at the lowest tone of yelling I could possibly do.  I pushed her off of me and got up.  I brushed myself off and said, “People like you are what this world needs less of.”  I started to walk away but was stopped by Ashley.  She turned me around and pulled me onto the couch.  She was under me and had her legs wrapped around my waist and I was on my knees on the couch, my hands were also holding me up away from her.  Before I had a chance to push her away or to say anything I heard, “Get out!” from behind me.  Ashley stopped struggling and had a evil smirk on her face, I looked to where the voice came from and saw Chandler.  I was really hoping he wasn’t talking to me, even though he was looking at me.

            I got up from my position and walked over to Chandler, trying to explain what happened.  He acted like I wasn’t there and walked right past me.  He went up to Ashley and yelled in her face, “This is why I dumped you in the first place!  You cheated on me and now your trying to get with my boyfriend?  You are just a stupid b*tch!”  Chandler looked really angry, like he was about to burst.  Ashley had a surprised look on her face, probably the same look I had when he went off on her.  She slowly stood up and ran past Chandler and then myself, bursting through the door while tearful.  Everyone was quiet and staring at Chandler.  The next thing that happened was Grace getting off of Wes and running out the door, probably to comfort her friend.

            Once Chandler calmed down he said, “Okay everyone the party isn’t over!”  Slowly, people started talking again.  After a couple of minutes the party went back to normal, other than everyone being a little tense.  Chandler and I sat down together; he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him, so I put my head down on his shoulder.  We stayed like that for most of the night.  After the party was done and everyone had left, Chandler started cleaning up.  While he was cleaning up he said, “Sorry about snapping at her like that in front of you.”

            “It’s okay… ya know… it seems like most of the drama happens during your parties.”

            “I have realized that, I haven’t had a party in a while that wasn’t jacked up.  I may stop throwing them.”

            “No you won’t, you enjoy them too much.”  I stuck my tongue out at him as he walked back over to sit down next to me.

            “Yea you’re probably right.”


Shoutout to Angelofdarkness2000 for the new cover! <3 :P

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