My Sudden Bodyguard: The day I met you

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My Sudden Bodyguard: The day I met you
(Four years ago)
Jefrey Orland's Point of View
I looked up at a building when I noticed a lady talking on her cell. She's sitting on the barricade with her legs dangling on the air. She's somewhat fearless for doing a stunt like this. But what I want to see is her eyes when they passed by me awhile ago. I really thought they were shining in the dark. I was going to check her out more when someone pushed me to walk faster. I looked back and glared at him. At them. But damn, they laughed it off. Just how the hell did I end up with this gang?
Oh right.
My best friend, Rage, and I had a fight. We brawled inside me home and broke off when Mom shouted curses on us. I don't quite remember the reason. Maybe it's something samll and pitiful. It's his fault anyway. He's been an ass since last week. Being affected by something so small. I mean, yeah, his parents had a fight. But they're adults. They'll kiss, make up and forget about it like nothing happened. He's lucky Mom let him stay in with us up until now.

I am not kicking him out. It's not my intention to kick him out. Nor even thought of that. I just want him to cheer up that I've been doing for the past days. He's so affected and depressed that even I'm being affected by it. And he's been an ass to the point that he's mad at every small thing. I was going to made him realize what he's been doing if only Mom didn't walk on us punching each other.
"Come on, bro." Ash urged as we stop in front of the convenient store. "Just take anything and the dare is done."

"Don't force him, Ash. He's a chicken." Eno taunted.
My hands went to fists. I'm fucking nervous and pissed at the same time. Nervous cause this is my first timr stealing, and pissed because of their taunting and mockery. That's just below the belt. They gave me a dare after losing a game to them. However, I didn't know that this is the dare.

I tightened the grip before shrugging off Brown's hand from my shoulder. I walked up to the entrance of the store, I took a deep breathe as I walk in when the auto-door opened, and let it go after they closed themselves behind me. I looked around before going straight for the drinks where the CCTV's blind spot.

I've been in this store for quite sometime. Rage and I come here after school to buy drinks before going home. He told me that the blind spot of the camera is by the drinks. And that's the reason why I choose this part. Rage is smart and I trust him when he blurts out knowledge that I once thought useless but ended up saving my life.

I crunched down and cringed as I read the labels of the drinks. I clutched at my hood in caution as I glanced at the counter guy. I need to be careful. I'll be died once Mom learns about this trouble I brought myself into. Thinking about it, I'll probably get an earful from her, some beating and a ten fold punishment for this. If only I didn't lose that game.

Shakily, I took a bottle of beer, fished my phone out of my pocket, turned it off before pressing it to my ear. I started to pretend talking to somebody on the other line as I hid the bottle from the watcher's eyes. I was out of the store when I heard him shout a 'hey!'. I made a run for it, leaving those three dickheads laughing their hearts out as the counter guy chase me.

I couldn't bring myself to look back as I run away from him. He kept on shouting curses at me. It only made me grip the bottle's nick tighter. Hell. I won't give this bottle up. It made me sprint like a cheetah just because I took it from that store.

I was to turn to a corner when I bumped into someone. The impact was so great that I fell on my back as the rain started to pour. I groaned in pain and checked the bottle for damages. I want to drink this after I get away from my pursuer. I looked up to the person I bumped into. I mean wr both bumped to each other, that means he fell on his back too.
Or so I thought.
It was a lady. She's standing quite strong in front of me like the impact from our collision didn't affect her. She was also panting like I do. Like she also ran with all her might from somebody. But unlike me, she's not panicking. She's even smiling and almost laughing as if she's having fun while staring down at me. And now that I think about it, she's the fearless lady from the building awhile ago.
"Sorry." She apologized while fixing her hood even if the garment didn't fall. "I was in a..." She let out a chuckle. "Hurry."

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