Visiting My Old Home

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We were going through the country road and we were enjoying the view and scenery flying by. I giggled a little and I shouted.

"Now this is what I call, FREEDOM!!"

"Oy! concentrate on the road!"

I laughed at Sarah and I said to her.

"Sorry Sarah, I haven't felt this happy in a long time and it's not the drugs talking, for once."

"Hehe, that's OK, here you go lunch is served."

Sarah made me some tuna sandwiches and a nice warm cup of tea. I took a bite of the sandwich and I smiled at the taste of it.

"Yummy! this is so good, your sandwiches are the best."

"Hundred times better than the ones back home?"

"Too right, they always taste like rat poison."

I said as I sipped some tea. Sarah got out the map and she said to me.

"Since we're gonna be on the road for a while, we should visit those historical sights or amusement parks, just places that our parents were unable to take us to."

"That sounds like a great idea, but first things first, we should find out which road we're on, we're gonna need some gas soon anyway."

Sarah looked at the map and she then said to me.

"Well, we left the city on this road so we should be heading towards a nearby village right now and hopefully they should have some gas."

"Fingers crossed."

I mumbled and then we saw a signpost showing us where we're heading to.

"(Old home Name)?"(A/n that means where you were originally from before your parents were killed.)

"You know that place?"

"Yeah, this is where my grandparents live or lived if they're still around."

"You mean you don't know what happened to them?"

"No, my parents and I moved to the city when I was five, we lost all contact with them afterwards, I'm not sure why probably because my grandparents didn't want us to move."

"Well, if you're lucky you might be able to see them again."


I said as I looked straight ahead and I then asked Sarah.

"You don't regret it, do you?"

"Hm? regret what?"

"Leaving your dying mother to come with me on the open road like this? I knew how much she meant to you but, you'll never see her again now that you're with me."

"Well, I do miss her a little, but, she looked happy when I told her what was gonna happen, it's like I said, we'll always have each other's backs."

"You're right, I don't regret leaving the city either, besides, it's a nice change of scenery."

"You know, I'm surprised that you didn't take the bag of marijuana that John offered you, I thought for sure you would have taken it."

"Normally I would but, I need a clear head and someone needs to drive this on the road, from now on, I'm sticking to fags."

"Don't smoke them regularly, you know you had trouble breathing before we went on the open road."

"I know, don't worry Sarah, I'll be fine."

The Love Of My Life and The Queen For Me (Zalgo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now