Chapter 9

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A/N: So... This chapter I was going to be like, WOOOO 100 READS!!!!!!!! But then, suddenly it shot up to 143 reads!!!!! In a matter of 3 hours!!!!!!! So, WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! ALMOST 150 READS!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, now moving on to the story!!!!


When they got back into the TARDIS, Rose and the Doctor were practically bouncing with excitement- Rose because the Doctor had asked her to marry him, and the Doctor because his sweet Rose had said yes. They piled onto the couch, and the first thing Rose said with wide eyes was, "Wait! Where are we going to have the wedding?"

The Doctor's eyes also got wide. "I don't know! And more importantly, what year?"

The Doctor and Rose thought hard. After a moment, Rose said, "How about Barcelona?"

"Which one? The planet or the city?" he asked, getting excited.

She giggled. He always thought she had such an adorable giggle. Oh, how he could go on and on... "The planet, dummy! Why would we choose the city, no possible adventure there!" Rose grinned mischievously. "Besides, you always wanted to take me to Barcelona!"

"That I did! You'd love it, by the way." He winked at her.

She giggled again. He was so cute when he got excited.

"So, then, what year do you think we should hold the wedding in?"

"Well, what do you recommend, my Doctor?"

"Weeeeeeeeeeell," he said, "We can do right after the revolution, in the early days like when there was basically no population, or-"

"Seriously?! The revolution?" Rose asked.

The Doctor's smile faltered for a second. "Is that a bad time?"

His smile brightened as she replied, "Of course not! It sounds perfect! Just the right amount of danger, but a bit of safety at the same time!"

He was a bit confused at that explanation, but went along with it anyway. "Fantastic!" Rose suddenly yawned. "Bit tired, aren't you?"

"Yeah, well, it's hard work getting engaged," she replied sleepily, laying her head on the Doctor's chest. "Picking wedding locations too..." She started to doze off.

"I bet it is," he said. As she slept, he stroked her hair lovingly. "I love you so, so much, Rose Marion Tyler. So, so, much." He was so glad that she said yes.


When they woke up, they started in on planning the wedding. Since they wanted a small wedding, they decided to invite a few guests. "Doctor- I don't know if we can do this, but I really want to invite my mum," She bit her lip. "Like, I mean, what if we go back in time, to when we were on our travels, and hold the wedding then? I just want my mum to have the memory of it at the very least."

"Well, it depends. She'd have to swear to secrecy." He a nervous for a moment. Then, all of a sudden, an alarm went off. The Doctor immediately opened up his psychic paper while Rose ran over to look at it too. "Help... -Trapped" the Doctor read. They both gasped. The Doctor raced over to the TARDIS's console, intending to trace where the request was coming from. He hummed, not seeming very surprised as to where it was coming from.

"Doctor, where is it from?" Rose asked.

"It's from the unfortunately war-torn planet of Kallaîxgafrieyaā (pronounced Kallax-guh-free-ya)." He frowned and turned some dials, then pressed a few buttons. "The war's been going on for years. The just can't seem to settle themselves. Bit annoying, of you ask me- they're fighting about a pear tree," he got a look of disgust on his face, and Rose snickered. The Doctor noticed. "Oh, Rose, you didn't give the other me pears, did you?! I told you to never let me eat a pear! I hate pears!" He said playfully as he set the coordinates.

"I also may have fed you an apple." She smirked.

"What?! Apples are rubbish!"

"Yeah, you said that after you spit it out!" She started laughing hysterically.

Just then, the TARDIS landed. "Well, we're here!" The Doctor announced.

Rose and the Doctor skipped out of the TARDIS, hand in hand with Rose's ring glistening on her finger. They were greeted by gunshots, which would have hit them had the Doctor not dove to the ground and taken Rose down with him. "Well that's not a very warm welcome for some innocent travelers!" He exclaimed, dusting off his jacket and pants.

"Thank you," Rose whispered into the Doctor's ear as she stood up too. She kept quiet, slightly worried that she'd say something wrong and blow their cover. The mystery aliens only responded with another round of gunfire, and they dove to the ground for the second time that day. "Okay, what do we do now?" Rose half-whispered frantically.

"Basically... Run!" He responded, grabbing her hand. The aliens resumed shooting in their ranges, and Rose and the Doctor ran as fast as they could, miraculously dodging most of the bullets. Just as they were about to step into safety, Rose was struck by one of the darts. She cried out and doubled over in pain. The dart had hit her in the back and had gone into her stomach. The doctor picked her up bridal style, and carried her into the shelter of the sturdy foliage. As Rose writhed around the form of the dart, the Doctor cried over her, thinking that he most certainly was going to lose his lovely Rose for the second time. He wept and wept, until he was sure that she had passed. Then, he simply picked her up and cradled her in his arms, those arms that tried to be there to comfort her, those arms that should have saved his sweet Rose's life. He would never forgive himself for this.

As he held her close, his eyes squeezed shut in emotional pain, the one thing that the Doctor did not notice was that a strange golden light had begun to bloom from Rose's wound, where he had pulled the dart out, and in the same place on his own. The light grew and grew from Rose's body, until it was in the shape of a golden flower (think Tangled, when Eugene is healed😉). When the Doctor opened his eyes, he stared up at it in sheer amazement, not noticing that the identical was happening to him as well. He looked down at Rose in wonderment. What was this? Why was it happening? He continued to ponder this. Then he noticed a tingling coming from somewhere in his stomach. He looked down and was shocked to see his body glowing as Rose's was. He held her tighter, begging, praying, that this would heal his Rose.

"Doctor?" Rose asked in a strained voice as her eyes fluttered open.

"Oh, Rose! I thought you were dead! I.. I thought you were dead, absolutely and positively dead! Then this golden stuff started glowing and coming from our bodies, right from where the dart was in you, and-"

"Doctor," she said, putting a finger to his lips. "It's alright. I'm okay, I'm alive, and that's what matters." She opened her TARDIS-blue jacket to reveal not even a scar.

"I still wonder why it came from both of us, though, when you were the one that was hurt." He said, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Me too, Doctor. Me too."


A/N: Hi guys! Like I said earlier, thank you so much for almost 150- well that's probably increased to 150 while I've been writing this because I haven't had wifi- reads!!! That is so exciting, because I never expected my book to get this far! Also, a HUGE thank you to @AnnabethMellark, @kitkatkutie2, and @D0ct0rwh0l0cked221b for voting for and commenting on nearly all of my story chapters! You guys really inspire me, and so do all you other readers too. ;)

And, remember: Vote, comment, suggest, as I mentioned before, I LOVE when you guys do that!!! It's great when I can have some feedback from my readers (and those of you that end up having to go to the fangirl hospital, I am so, so sorry)!!! Thanks you so so so so much!!!


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