Chapter 6

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The Doctor looked at the TARDIS's console room, dissatisfied. It was so messy- he had taken to the unfortunate habit of leaving his things out, expecting to use them soon again. {Hmmmm.} He'd have to clean this up for his Rose. (A/N: I forgot to tell you in the beginning! The Doctor has been traveling without a companion for a few years now. He misses Rose too much.) As he was bustling about the room, he noticed an odd note. { Why didn't I notice this before?} he thought. He unfolded it carefully. The message inside read, {You will both be one and the same. (Picture that in BOLD TYPE)}

"What's that supposed to mean?" he wondered out loud. Then, his phone started ringing, and he almost tripped after jumping up to answer it too fast. "Hello?"

"Hey Doctor, it's me, Rose."

"Why, hello Rose!"

She giggled." Well, I was wondering if you were ready for me to dimension-hop to the TARDIS?"

"Of course! The sooner the better!"

"Okay!" Rose said, unable to hide her excitement. She felt so giddy, as if she was going to float up into the sky at any moment.

The Doctor smiled. He was overjoyed that Rose was coming, and was excited even as he prepared for her. He loved her so much.

"Well, I have to go now... I'll talk to you later, okay Doctor?"

"Okay." He loved hearing her voice. Soon, she would be standing here with him, and they'd be running parallel.


Rose smiled. She loved him so much. After three years of not seeing any form of the Doctor, at all, they'd finally be reunited again. She couldn't wait.

Turning to her little audience, she cleared her throat. "Well... I guess it's time for final goodbyes, isn't it?"

Mickey stepped forward first. "Goodbye, Rose. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Mickers. Enjoy it here," she gave a watery smile.

Next came Jack. "See ya, Rosie. Tell the Doctor I said hey, okay?" Rose grinned.

"Sure, why not?"

The line went on and on, until she had said goodbye to everyone (including the whole staff of Torchwood, who had gotten to know her quite well). Then, right before she was to say goodbye to her mum, Jack ran up to her with one last thing. He seemed out of breath. "Rosie," he panted, "I made another trans-dimensional SIM card, so we wouldn't be bugging the Doctor all the time when we called you." Rose was touched. She laughed as he handed it to her.

"Thanks," she smiled.

Her mother stepped up to Rose as soon as Jack left. "I'm going to miss you, sweetheart."

Rose hugged her tightly. "I'm going to miss you too, mum."

"It's going to be a lot different here without you, you know."

"I know."

"Well, at least we both know what you'll be getting into!" Jackie winked.

Rose gave her mum a withering look. "Mum! Stop it!" she said, mortified.

Jackie sighed. "I guess it's time."

"I guess it is."

"One last hug, though."

Rose basked in her mum's last embrace, trying to burn the feeling into her brain. "I love you mum," she murmured.

"I love you too, sweetheart. Rose." They broke apart. Rose gave her family one last look, then took the brave step into the Dimension Cannon's chamber.

"I'll miss you all," she whispered. Yet, she knew the best was to come.


A/N: Hi guys!!!! First of all in celebration of 50 WHOLE READS, I have to follow tradition:

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Haha, so now that I've gotten that out of my system, I have a real, actual question for you guys. I've been debating whether to make Rose a Time-Something or not. I don't really want to make her a Time Lord, because then she would have to regenerate, so I was thinking about making her (and who knows, maybe the Doctor ;} ) a Time-Something (because I haven't figured out what to call it yet.). Anyway, tell me in the comments what you think!

So... That pretty much wraps it up!!! And once again: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 50 READS!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how excited that makes me about adding to this!!! :D

And, as always: Suggest, vote, comment, all that stuff makes my day! My sister actually asked me if I was feeling okay after you all voted for my story! XD  Thanks!!!


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