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Once we got to the house I took the kids into the house and set them up in the living room before running into the kitchen to see Grace stitching up Riley's leg. I grabbed calum's arm and pulled him aside.

"What are we supposed to do with the kids?" I whispered to him motioning to the living room.

"I don't know.. We can't just keep them.." Calum said

"Let me talk to them." Calum sighed before walking into the living room with me following pursuit.

"Hi girls.." Calum smiled sitting down next to them.

"Okay do any of you know how to fight or use weapons?" Calum laughed.

"You can't just ask kids that!!" I exclaimed my eyes widening.

"Actually we can.." The older girl said. "I can shoot a gun and Lia can fight well sorta.." She said chuckling.

"Wait what's your name?" Calum asked her.

"Kayla.. Kayla Farrell." She smiled looking over at me.

I smiled back before exiting the room and telling everyone else what just happened. We could use these kids on our team.. If we trained them hard enough of course. After the group had heard the news they were somewhat pumped to have younger people in the group. Luke and Riley were a bit sketchy though.

"What if they get hurt?" Riley said standing up looking down at her leg.

"Hey they're getting themselves into this if they agree." Michael said. Ashton nodded agreeing. Calum was still in the living room so he didn't have a say in this.

"Okay.. We'll do it.." Jordan said.

Grace nodded and walked into the living room joining Calum. I made my way upstairs into my room and plugged my headphones into my phone blasting music in my ears.

I didn't notice Calum until he sat down on my bed moving the fabric. I slowly took my headphones out and smiled.

"What's up?" I said sitting up.

"I was wondering.." He said scratching the back of his head nervously, "would you want to go with me to dinner? Luke is taking Riley, Ashton asked Jordan, and I just wanted to ask you before anyone else did.." He said looking terrified for my answer.

"I'd love to go with you Calum Hood." I smiled feeling my stomach erupt into a home of a thousand butterflies. He smiled like a little kid before nodding and walking out of the room leaving me to change. I shot up quickly and ran to my closet pulling out clothes.

"I'm going with Michael.." Grace said laughing.

"Huh?" I asked turning around and facing Grace who was laying on her bed looking at the ceiling.

"Since all of you are going on like a triple date and me and Michael don't have a date, I'm going to play laser tag with him." Grace laughed explaining herself further.

"Aww.. You know you too would be cute together." I cooed before returning to my outfit search.

"Ew no! Michael and I are just strictly friends. Aren't we all friends?" Grace yelled.

"Yeah but I mean you too would look adorable together.. I ship it." I smiled to myself picturing Grace and Michael together.

"Okay okay you're sick in the head." Grace muttered.

"Just as sick as you." I laughed.

I pulled out a black dressed that flared out like a skater skirt. The top was lace and only showed your collarbones and shoulders.

"Do I look okay?" I questioned running my hands over the dress trying to smooth it out.

"More like gorgeous! But what shoes are you going to where?" She said.

"Uhh." I looked through my closet more and tossing the shoes everywhere.

"How bout these boots?" I said pulling one on to show her.

"Perfect." She smiled before walking to her own closet and pulling out a black tank top and denim shorts. Cute and simple.

I ran to the bathroom and did my makeup and hair. I then ran into Jordan's and Riley's room to see what they were wearing.

Riley had on a white sheer dress that reached just above her knees. On top of that she had a army green colored stiff jacket and black combat boots. Jordan was wearing a white and gold body con dress with gold heels that matched perfectly.

Jordan went to her drawers and pulled out a knife.

"Wait Jordan, you don't need that.." I said as she slowly set the knife down.

"Yeah, we're not going on a mission, just out for dinner." Riley said looking in the mirror.

"Okay." She said. "Ready to go?"

Riley and I nodded before following Jordan out the door and into the living room. I saw Calum wearing a red button up shirt and black skinny jeans. Around his neck was a black bow tie.

"Let's go." Luke said as well all exited the house.




After we had finished eating we were all stuffed. Ashton payed the check and we all kind of sat there trying to find room for dessert.

"I'm completely stuffed. No dessert for me.." Ashton said patting his stomach.

We all agreed and left the restraunt satisfied with the night. At first we all lingered around just checking out some shops until Riley screamed. Luke ran to her side and stared down at the ground in horror. The rest of us confused, looked down at the ground by Riley's feet and saw a dead body with a note attached.

The note read, "guess who's next? I'll give you a hint.. One of you."

We all stood there in shock looking at the dead body.

All of a sudden Calum started to cry.

"That's my sister..." He whispered.


((Mkay .. So idk if I really like this chapter lol but who cares ? It's not like a lot of you read this anyways hahaha. But I'm really excited for this book(x . So if you guys didn't know.. Rose is kind of like an innocent girl but she's a really good fighter too but she's the most sensitive out of the group and crys very easily. Haha. Well peace))

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