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4 days later

"Jahseh you have to"

"No I'm not going anywhere now shut the fuck up"He mumbled

It was 7:45 in the morning and I was trying to get Jah to get up and go to school cause he already missed 3 days staying in with me. I was still on suspension

I sighed "you know you can fail if you miss a lot of days right?"

"I'm not leaving you alone Liah"

I looked up at him.My arm was wrapped around his torso,his eyes were still closed.


"You know what? We should go out today"

"I-I don't wanna"

His eyes opened "You don't need to be locked in my room all day...don't let Kentrell have that type of control on you"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance

"You hear me?"He said with rage

"Yeah"I groaned

"Good...now go back to sleep"

"I never went to sleep"

"You mean to tell me you've been up all night?"He asked

I nodded and he sighed "Liah"

"I'm a insomniac I can't help it"

"I think I got that shit too cause some nights I can't sleep either"

My phone then started ringing.Jahseh grabbed it since it was right beside him.He looked at the caller ID slightly annoyed and gave me the phone.

It was Stokeley

"Hey Stoke"

"Wassup Jhit?"He said

"Nothing much"

"I just called to see how you was Cause I ain't heard from you since the fair"

"Yeah I'm sorry about that I just been kinda depressed"

"It's okay I get it"

I looked at Jahseh,Who was already staring at me.I mouthed him 'What?' He shook his head and looked away.It was a long silence until I broke it.

"I never got the chance to thank you Stokeley...for what you did for me at the fair"I said.

Jahseh huffed before getting up and walking out the room.

"It's no problem"

"Seriously I don't know what would've happened if you wouldn't have showed up"

"I'm glad I got there in time...Liah have you filled a police report?"He said

"Um no"

"Why not?"

"Why should I?" I asked

"Whatchu mean? So that bitch Kentrell can get what he deserves"

"Kentrell in jail is just as powerful out..it r-really wouldn't make a difference"

"Liah are scared to file a report?"He asked

"Yes"I said quickly

He scoffed "Look I'll tell you what...I'll go to the station with you.I'll tell them everything I saw...and you can show them the text messages and the proof that he's been Stalking you for weeks"

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