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Drama will be in the next few chapters;)

Comment a X song that's your mood right now, mines is 'A message to Tina Belcher'
What's yours?

Liah pov

I groaned lowly while Jahseh kept asking the doctor questions.

"Okay So when exactly are we gonna know the gender?"He asked

"In about 3 to 4 months"Dr.Cunningham said

Jahseh groaned "I can't wait that long... do y'all have like a technical machine so we can like...see what it is sooner?"

I strunched my eyebrows together at his question.

The doctor laughed "um no we do not"

"Okay can we start the exam already"I said annoyed

"Sure"Dr. Cunningham said before grabbing a pair of gloves

"I'm watching you bruh"Jahseh slightly glared at him

Nahmir pov

"Bro...are you serious?"

I was on the phone with one of my friends back in Chicago. He just told me that my cousin Hakeem died.

"Yeah man"He sighed


"He was on the wrong block...you know how it is here"his voice cracked a little

"Who did it?"

"I'm not sure but people saying it's Steven and his crew"

"FUCK!"I shouted in anger

"I'm so sorry bro"He cried through the other line

I hung up without saying anything.

Just then Jay, Cordae, Manny And Glizzy came in the kitchen.

"Yo, what's wrong?"Jay asked

"Why are you crying?"Glizzy asked

"Shawn just called me....Hakeem's dead"I mumbled

They all looked at me in shock



Liah pov

Jahseh and I were about to leave the clinic when I got a call. I took my phone out my back pocket.

"Who is that?"Jahseh asked

"Nahmir"I mumbled before answering


I heard sniffles on the other end "Liah? I um called to let you know that um..."I heard cries on the other end

"Nahmir? Are you okay?"I asked concerned

"No...no I'm not"he cried

"What's wrong?"

"Hakeem's dead"He cried

My eyes widened "Oh my god...w-where are you?"

"Toya's house"

"Okay...I'll be there in a minute" I hung up

"What happened?"Jahseh asked

"His cousin died back in Chicago..."I sighed deeply "can you take me to Toya's house?"

He nodded "Yeah come on"he grabbed my hand and we walked out.


Toya's house

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