Time hopping

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So in this chapter I am going to do brief description of the days.
Ps. School started on a Monday

Natsu: hey where do you go
Jasper: training
Natsu: But we just did training
Jasper: I have to train for something really important now move
Natsu: geeeeze ok have a good day
Jasper: ya you to
Jasper opened her wings and just flew into the sky. She was going to the dark forest that is were dragon fruit grows and where the guardian lives .

Time hoping time

They went to school and had to battle there parents in the animal class. In the spell class they practice doing shots of power at people. ( they used jasper as a target for that ) In the weapon class Erza almost killed a person . Then half way through class jasper went and practiced with her . And knocked Erza out .
Walked  they all went to school . They in the animal class  did another group battle . Jasper gave Jessica a bloody nose and Natsu gave victor a broken arm and black eye . Jasper yelled at Natsu for like five minutes then healed up victor. In the magic class gray fought against Rylie and he won . In weapon class Erza almost killed a person again, so they called jasper to stop Erza .
The animal class and the spell class got together to practice in the animal room . So ya . It was gray and Lucy vs Natsu and Jasper. And here was one of the conversation Natsu and jasper had after finding out who they were going to fight
Jasper: they are your friends right?
Natsu: yes and they are in my guild so more like family
Jasper; so it is ok if I hurt them a little
Natsu : yes
Jasper: which should I fight the girl or the guy with no shirt
Natsu : go after the guy with no shirt so I can fight Lucy and just knock her out and not hurt her
Jasper: deal so it is ok if I hurt the guy
Natsu: good luck
Jasper: yes
Jasper used her dark dragon form . The from that was stronger than Natsu but not like her most powerful form . Let's just say it ended with gray bleeding on the ground and Lucy blacked out on the ground , so ya😐😐. That happened lots were shocked .
Friday.   ( this one is going to be longer than the others )

They walked into class. And the announcer on the over head said " ok may all teachers and students head out to the arena " so they did . And out all the way around the area there were bleachers.
Ms. Green; ok find a set anywhere
Ms.V; find a seat anywhere
Mr. Rock : find a seat .
The fairytale group quickly found each other . And Jasper . Victor and Adam found each other. And the two groups ended up seating next to each other.
Gajeel: hey victor what is this
Victor: the first battle test of the year .
Gajeel : what does that mean
Victor; that means all the new students will fight each other in the same group then fight the campon to see who gets the title .
Gajeel: who is the champion
Adam: Jasper!😄
Natsu : really she is the champion
Victor: she had won every year
Jasper : I do not really care I just do it for the fun of fighting someone and not getting in trouble
announcer: ok now the first two to fight will be lucy and gray form spells class
Lucy : what!
Gray: great 😑
Announcer: ok you two please come down
They walked down. In order to get into the arena you have to be a part of the school . You put your hand on a scanner then to puts you name on the dom. And it has your picture. The dom changes shape and how strong it is for each group . So they fought and gray won. Then it went on and on tell there was one standing Natsu . So that meant jasper would have to fight him for the title . She usually would not care to lose but she would not lose to him . No mater the cost . They walked up and there names were announced.
Whole school: let's go Jasper
They stepped into the arena
Natsu: ready to lose
Jasper : please you lost to me in my weak dragon form so shut it
Natsu : what ever I am all fired up
Jasper : hybrid
She said in a very serious voice and when victor and Adam heard her say that they automatically went up to the front so they could stop her when she goes out of hand . They walked up to the announcer that was also the  principal . And she knew right away why they were up there .
Announcer: you on stand by for her like always
Victor& Adam : yup
Announcer: good
The the battle began. Jasper was half high level dark dragon and half demon . And at that point shit got real . ( just imagine what that looks like , scary )
Jasper : new kids first
Natsu : Fire dragon ROAR
It was a perfect shot right at jasper . But after the smoke cleared you saw she had not moved a inch.
Natsu: how the hell
Jasper: my turn ,
Jasper: demon dragon death snow
Then a bunch of small purple balls were in the air .
Jasper: touch even one and you die in 2 seconds usually but since I can not kill you , they will create a smell that is lethal to all dragon fighters and you will be knocked out in seconds
Natsu: please, Fire dragon wind attack
He sent a large gust of wind . Bit the balls did not move . But he did . He touched one of the balls , and a gas was released into the air . It sent a chain reaction. And in seconds the room was filled with smoke.
Jasper : dark dragon wind
A gust of wind pushed out the smell. And as the room cleared, they saw Natsu on the ground out like a little.
Jasper: there fairytale group I did not even scratch him , happy
Jasper then flew over to him . She picked him up I her arms .
Jasper : dorm open
Lucy: will he be fine .
Jasper: yes yes he will wake up
Gajeel: why don't you heal him like you did victor
Jasper just looked at him with a blank face
She set him on the bed i the nurse's office
Nurse : what spell did you use Thai time jasper dear
Jasper: dark snow but only the one to make him fall asleep
Nurse: oh then you now what to do .
Jasper looked back at the fairytale group behind her .
Jasper: he is a Fire dragon right
Lucy: yes
Gray : what are you going to do
Jasper: things ok
The nurse had a small vile in her hand . She then nodded . Jasper then turned into a full fire dragon . But a smaller one .
Nurse: red hair cut jasper ok
Erza: why?
Nurse: just do it ok
Erza: ok
Erza then pulled out a sword and put a cut on Jasper's leg . Then the nurse put put the vile up to the cut and took some blood. Jasper then turned back to normal. She then walked out of the room not saying a single words .
Nurse : don't mind her she is just kept to her self , always has been
Gray: why did you take her blood
Nurse: to heal your friend, no he did not lose blood but full dragon blood is very powerful when is comes to healing other .
Lucy: so even her blood changes when she shapeshifters
Nurse: yes
Erza: how long have you known jasper
Nurse: long enough to make a potion to heal any type of wound she could give , but I just can't keep up she keeps getting new spells and attack ways
Erza: oh
( with jasper
Adam : I thought you were going to kill him with that dark snow 
Jasper: I only kill people that need to be killed you should know his by now . Now excuse me I have somewhere to be
Adam: ok
Jasper then just left
Adam : what is wrong with her
Victor: it is today
Adam: what is today
Victor: the day her dad went missing
Adam : oh
Victor: ya let her be alone for now
Adam : okay I understand, I hope she can move on in time .
Victor: i do not know she told me he has been missing for 7 year now
Adam: so since she was 7
Victor: ya 😞  
(Back with jasper )
Jasper: why did you go, dad I miss you were ever you are , I miss you . I think I know where to go
She then flew over Magnolia .She then landed and turned back to normal. And stared to walk down the street.

What you think ??????what is going to happen🤔 take a guess you may be wrong or right .

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