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Name: (Y/N)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Weapon(s): Judge (A single handed greatsword that can be loaded with dust to send out an elemental shockwave) Jury (a .50 cal Revolver most commonly used with armor piercing rounds to pierce right through grimm) Executioner (a single metallic gauntlet on his right arm that resembles a beowolf claw. Can be loaded with dust for a deadlier effect but is mainly meant for blocking and grab attacks.)

Semblance: Void Abyss (allows (Y/N) to tear open a hole in space and time to the Void Abyss, a pocket dimension that is nothing more than a pure White Void. though he can only open holes big enough for a small child to fit through unless in a dire situation.) if over used it will cause (Y/N) to deplete almost all his aura and become paralyzed from the neck down for a short while.

Aura: Whatever color you want.

Outfit: Black hoodie with the sleeves rolled up, a grey t-shirt, dark blue jeans, white sneakers, an old and worn out grey beanie.


(Y/N) finds himself walking down the lonely streets of vale as he does his usual shtick of "patrolling" the streets for any sort of crime late at night.

As he keeps walking he hears a scuffle going on in the distance and begins quickening his pace.

Once around the corner into the alleyway he sees 4 white fang grunts and a larger white fang leader standing behind them .

They were trapping what appeared to be another faunus, more importantly a Beacon student as she wore the school's uniform.

(Y/N): so this is what the white fang is resorting to now? Ganging up on a school girl and forcing her into your cult?

Instantly all the white fang whip around and look at (Y/N) who just casually gazes back with an almost comical look on his face.

WFG1: who the hell are you?!

(Y/N): who me? Just your friendly neighborhood vigilante out to keep the peace!

With a mocking tone in his voice (Y/N) slowly walks closer until one of the white fang grunts pulls out a gun and points it at him.

WFG2: don't come any closer! I will shoot you!

(Y/N): geez, and here I was hoping that this was all one big misunderstanding.....

In the blink of an eye (Y/N) pulls out Jury and unloads four rounds into the grunts, knocking them back on their asses from the impact.

WFL: w-what the hell?!

(Y/N): too slow on the draw big guy.

With a quick dash (Y/N) dashes forward and delivers a powerful punch to the leader's stomach, making him double over allowing (Y/N) to knock him out with one good kick to the head.

Almost instantly (Y/N) quickly loads four new ice rounds into the revolver and fires them at the grunts on the ground, trapping them to the floor.

(Y/N): and as usual these guys are weak as hell....

Now that the trouble was taken care of (Y/N) looks back at the faunus who was trapped, he can easily see her now.

Shoulder length messy black hair, golden eyes, wolf ears, slightly tanned skin and a small scar going right across her left eyebrow.

(Y/N): you alright?

????????: y-yeah... thanks.

(Y/N): so, beacon student eh? Where's your weapon?

????????: oh, I'm not a student, not yet, this is just my mother's old uniform. But I'm going to be going when classes start next week!

(Y/N): oh? Well then that just means we'll be seeing each other again soon, I'm going to be taking classes there as well.

The faunus seems to become a bit happier as she steps forward.

????????: r-really?!

(Y/N): yeah, my pops is a teacher there right now. he teaches the combat class alongside Glynda Goodwitch.

????????: wait... you mean your father is THE white wolf?!

(Y/N): the one and only. It's the reason why I'm able to do what I just did.

????????: i-I know I shouldn't ask this but... would you mind being part of my team once we get to beacon?

(Y/N): normally I wouldn't turn down an offer like that but... here's the thing, teams are made on the spot at beacon during initiation. You don't get to choose.

????????: o-oh... I see....

(Y/N): but hey, don't worry, I'll still see you there and who knows what'll happen? Maybe we will end up on a team together. But if that doesn't happen I could always try to convince pops to give you a few lessons.

????????: really?! You mean it?!

(Y/N): of course! Now then, I've got to go it's getting pretty late.

????????: Wait! What's your name?

(Y/N): it's (Y/N).

Midnight: I'm Midnight, it was a pleasure to meet you.

(Y/N): it was nice meeting you too. I'll see you at Beacon.

With those words being said the two begin to part ways.

-Timeskip brought to you by (Y/N) casually twirling his revolver around-

Eventually (Y/N) made it home after several hours of walking around Vale looking for any sort of crime to stop.

Though as usual it seems like the cops and hunstmen have been doing their jobs pretty damn well recently.

(Y/N): man things have been getting boring around here lately...

Despite boredom quickly setting in a smile forms on his face as he looks at a picture of him and his old man.

(Y/N): well thankfully things won't stay boring for too much longer now... only a week left until I can see the old man again.

Excitement builds as memories of all their training sessions together come flooding back.

(Y/N): just you wait... I'm going to show you how strong I've become over these past three years! I'll make it into Beacon! 

RWBY: New Beginnings (Male Reader insert story)Where stories live. Discover now