Chapter 8: Memories and Brawls.

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A/N: Real quick before this chapter starts, i've just gotta say thanks to my friend Tuscag for making the new cover of this book.

Alongside that, thank you all for checking out this little story of mine and I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year! 

With that all out of the way, ONTO THE STORY!

When (Y/N) opens his eyes he sees a familiar frozen forest... one that he wished he could just forget.

Walking in front of him is the two people who had always acted as his parents for as long as he can remember.

A younger version of Vanta was calmly joking around and laughing with a woman who was standing opposite of him.

She had black hair that barely reached down to her shoulders, dark skin and silver eyes.

Her name was Maria.

(Y/N) looked down and sure enough his body had shrunk down to that of a child's... this was indeed a time that had long passed now.

Maria: (Y/N)? What are you doing standing back there?

The familiar voice tugged at his heart strings as he looked up to see her familiar gaze... the one that he longed to see again.

Vanta: hey, what're you waiting for Little Knight? Come on, if we don't hurry there won't be any hot cider left for us-

Suddenly the air went still as both Vanta and Maria froze up, instinctively readying their weapons as the frozen forest went deathly silent.

Fear filled (Y/N) as he looked down, only to see a black shadow slowly stretching across the ground, slowly getting closer and closer to Maria and Vanta.

Despite wanting to yell a warning, fear had locked him in place and all the words just froze up in his throat.

Just as the shadow reached them, Maria jumped out of the way while Vanta was too slow to react.

A claw like arm reached out of the shadow, grabbing Vanta's leg and threw him farther than any humanoid should be able to.

Vanta crashed into a tree hard, the only thing saving him from being horribly injured being his Aura.

Maria: VANTA!

Just as she was about to charge over, something emerges from the shadows.

It looked like a faunus... but there's was something odd about them.

Their entire body appeared to be cloaked in shadows and their eyes glowed with a bright teal energy.

The weirdest part was the fact that they carried no weapons, even famers had at least pistols to keep themselves safe from the grimm.

Even though both Maria and Vanta was right next to the shadowy faunus, he ignored them and locked his eyes on (Y/N).

It was like the faunus was looking right into (Y/N)'s soul as he slowly stepped towards the child.

Just as the figure was getting closer and closer, a small one handed scythe flies past him, only to glow with a purple hue and fly back, hitting the shadow hard enough to send him tumbling back to the ground.

Maria: I won't let you lay a hand on (Y/N)!

The shadowy figure stops and looks at the child one more time before a dark chuckle escapes from him.

?????: his name is (Y/N)? oh my, what a cruel twist of fate this is... nevertheless I have a job to do... AND I WON'T LET YOU STOP ME!

In the blink of an eye the shadowy faunus was in front of Maria, easily surprising her and moving faster than her semblance could keep up with.

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