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The chaos died down on the safety boat within the next day or two. Richard Parker has since began to look healthier and not as hollow since he had gotten to eat properly. Pi on the other hand was going mad. He ate too much fish to be safe and had become obsessed with collecting water despite the fact both of them were completely water logged.

"Sixty two liters. That's not enough," the Indian boy's eyes were desperate and feral. Richard Parker was scared for his safety with the state of mind Pi was in. Thank goodness he had made a separate raft.

Pi's demeanour only grew worse as the days continued on. Occasionally he would hear him mutter things about offering sacrifice for God and even claimed he was blind. The worst part wasn't even that.

Pi was in love with Richard Parker.

The infatuation had grown so bad that their names had been mysteriously carved into the bottom and sides of the boat. Pi stared longingly at the tarp each day hoping for just a glimpse at the orange striped fur.

Thank God I'm not human.

Richard Parker couldn't imagine being such a creep. Nothing would make him happier than to be off the boat and away from that lunatic. Screw opposable thumbs, I want sanity.

Pi on the other hand was believing everything was in his favour. He blessed whichever God he was in the mood for that day and spent the whole 24 hours sleeping and fishing. More often than not, the fish was not even used for consumption but as a "sacrifice". He obviously had forgotten the original goal to leave the carnivorous humans behind had he now lived on fish.

Slowly, Pi's mind deteriorated into his inner animal. Everyone has an animal instinct that shows when in times of desperation. It is so obvious that this is true that one could write numerous essays on the concept or even talk for a whole month on the topic.

The time came months later that Richard Parker was sure Pi had lost it. Pi stood up in the boat and spoke to the air of food. There was clearly nothing there and even if there was, he had his eyes closed. Over and over again he spoke to this mysterious "sailor" of France and how good some food would be.

Richard Parker officially wanted to die.

A/N: I have reached level 200 again

A Cookie and Pi from Tiger MartWhere stories live. Discover now