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The five beings sat in an oblong circle inside the life boat. They had been at sea almost a whole night. Being the zoology genius he was, Pi knew he had eternal power over the others. Since they were peaceful, Pi decided to get to know them.

"So, I would like you all to introduce yourself," Pi smiles around the circle, "Here, I will start. Hello, I am Piscine Patel and I am scared of meat. I have a cookie fetish and get turned on when I eat them near tigers."

The animals stared blankly at the boy only dating to steal a glance towards Richard Parker who appeared disgusted. This was proven true when the tiger threw himself over board.

The orangutan went ballistic seeing the tiger in peril. Screeching like a lunatic, the orangutan shoved her love, the zebra over. Clearly, she was having an affair.

The zebra thrashed in the water which caught the tiger's attention. Richard Parker wasted no time swimming to it. Clamping on, they managed to get back to the boat. At this point, the tiger was fine aside from a sour mood. On the contrary, the zebra was bleeding from claw marks and suffered a broken leg from Orange Juice's rage quit.

How fascinating! Pi was intrigued by this animal drama. Being a teen from a town in India, he had no access to modern soap operas and this was by far the most entertaining thing he had seen since coming out to his father as a Tri-Worshiper-one who participates in three religions.


The joy soon came to an end about two weeks later. Since the incident, Pi had been watching the Zebra's health slowly decline. To Pi's distress, it eventually died. The orangutan was mourning and even tried to attack the tiger which ended very quickly with a mighty roar.

This was the first noise Richard Parker had made since the incident in the water. The tiger was still traumatised and had been keeping his distance from Pi. He also was giving him the silent treatment.

Seeing as company was limited to the human boy, entertainment was as well. Pi spent most of his time praying and studying the behaviours of the animals around him. He also enjoyed counting the supplies under the boat. These supplies were a sign from God that they would be okay. There were even food rations. Since Pi loves God so much, he did not even worry to eat the whole "three servings" can.

Pi was blessed.

A Cookie and Pi from Tiger MartWhere stories live. Discover now