[ Chapter One - Haunted ]

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Based off the above plot by @/plotsforall on Tumblr. Full credit goes to those guys! ♥︎


You'd think for somebody so obsessed with myths and legends, Lukas Bondevik would be pretty much fearless.

That wasn't the case.

Despite regularly engaging in conversation with a 20-foot-tall Troll who looks like something straight from a scary movie, Lukas had a crippling fear of all things horror.

Lukas also had a crippling fear of people finding out about said fear and being labelled a "pussy" by his charming Finnish roommate Tino, who lives by the motto "the bloodier, the better'.

Just thinking of blood made him shudder.

So when said Finnish roommate invited him to the local haunted house, you can bet his heart sank right down to his stomach.

"Yeah," Tino explained, "My friend Mathias works there. He got me discount tickets. You know Mathias, dontcha, Lukas?"

"Hm...can't say that I do."

That's a lie. Lukas knew who he was. Mathias Køhler, the super attractive med student who lives in an apartment on the floor below him. He's Danish and he's from a small town near Røskilde. He's best friends with Lukas' cousin - Berwald - despite being polar opposites, and he's best friends with Tino. They're studying the same course, but Tino wants to be a cardiologist and Mathias wants to be an EMT. He once bought Lukas a coffee when he left his wallet at home, and Lukas had given him a pastry when he'd been locked out [Something about his "bastard American roommate" stealing his keys]. Oh, and he was really, really fucking hot. Too bad he's almost definitely straight.

God, Lukas thought to himself, why did he have to be such a fucking creep?!

"Lukas!" Tino exclaimed, "You really need to get out of the house more. Staying cooped up in this tiny apartment can't be good for you."

"Coming from the guy who stays up all night revising, drinks vodka straight from the bottle, and hasn't had a proper cooked meal in three months?" Came Lukas' snarky response.

At this remark, Tino cried out indignantly, "Med school is hard, Lukas."

"Try law, dummy." Lukas shot back, returning to glaring at his too-bright laptop. He was looking over the notes from yesterday's lecture, but he couldn't concentrate with Tino standing in his doorway.

"Well," The Finn huffed, "Are you going to come? Apparently it's extra terrifying this year - how fucking cool does that sound?"

"Ah," Lukas forced himself to sound monotone and indifferent, but his head was pounding so much he felt faint, "Very cool indeed."

Tino nodded earnestly, "I know! I can't wait. I bought a pirate costume, and Erzsébet is going to come round and do some weird skull makeup thing. You have a costume?"

Lukas thought for a moment before nodding, "I'm sure I have a Harry Potter costume or something shoved somewhere under my bed. I'll just say I'm, like, that bad guy - Draco. He's the blond one, isn't he?"

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