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seungmin woke up fully this time and was cuddling hyunjin. they were laying on the ground, but his head was on hyunjin's chest. it was comfortable and the sun was warming them. 'i wonder what time is it...'

hyunjin's arm was around seungmin, keeping him close. somehow they both managed to wake up almost at the same time.

seungmin didn't really have to know the time since it was a weekend, but he was worried about hyunjin and his parents. maybe they could be worried about him or something like it. he did spend the whole night at the hill, with him.

"are you awake?" hyunjin asked, even though it was obvious, and ruffled seungmin's hair.
"mhm~" seungmin looked up at him and then sat up. hyunjin followed him, stretching a bit as seungmin just watched him. hyunjin looked back at him and then at his ears. seungmin touched the top of his head, realizing his hood was off. as his eyes went wide, he quickly put his hood back on.

"i prefer it off." hyunjin said and flipped his hood off, back to the way it was before. seungmin flushed soft pink and looked down at the ground. hyunjin chuckled at him and ruffled his hair again. seungmin got the courage to look back up at him, showing him a warm smile as he smiled back.

"so, do you only have ears? like animal's?" hyunjin asked with curiosity.
"i also have a tail." seungmin said innocently while hyunjin smirked. "h-hyunjinnie, no!" he hit his arm playfully as they both chuckled.
"is it fluffy?" hyunjin asked again.
"mm, i guess so." seungmin pondered.
"can i see?" hyunjin smirked, seungmin softly hitting his arm again. "stop!" he said, both still letting out few chuckles.
"but can i actually see it?" hyunjin asked surely.
"s-sure!" seungmin answered warmly.

as they stood up, seungmin flipped his hoodie up behind his back, releasing his long-hidden tail and turned around. it really was a fluffy tail. at first, hyunjin thought that the tail is attached to his jeans, so went closer to it. still he wasn't sure, so he checked it.

"um, this might be weird but-" hyunjin lifted his hoodie a little bit, looking at the base of the tail. then he realized that seungmin had cut a hole in his jeans so that his tail could go through it.
"oh, do you have to cut a hole in all of your pants?" hyunjin questioned and seungmin nodded as an answer.

"oh, is this why you use big shirts and hoodies?" hyunjin kept questioning as seungmin nodded again. 
"i-is it a b-bad thing?" seungmin asked, shyly looking up at him.
"no, it's- it's quite cute." hyunjin said with a warm smile. and as seungmin blushed, hyunjin blushed too as he thought, 'shoot, i shouldn't have said that. now it's probably going to be awkward...'

"t-thank you?" seungmin shyly looked at him. they stayed in silence for a while.
"uhm, i s-should go n-now..." seungmin said as he approached him, giving him a tight hug before rushing away.

hyunjin clearly didn't have the time to react as he only patted his back once in the hug. he continued to watch him rush away until he was out of his sight, letting a smile creep on his face after that.

even though it was a short lasting hug, it felt nice. also, petting and playing with his hair felt nice, cuddling him felt nice, he felt nice. and only if it could turn into a daily activities.

hyunjin started to walk to home, thinking.
'he's so cute. wait, is it weird to think this way? nah, nobody can read my mind, i'm good. i just want to squish his cheeks, uwu. ugh, why didn't i ask for his number? i'm so dumb. oh, i didn't even ask him if he would come here tonight. well shoot. also why did i say that "cute" thing? i mean, it's obvious, but why didn't i say anything after it? and most for last, why did i blush? ugh~' he pondered, pouting at his everlasting number of questions.


seungmin arrived at his door. he didn't actually have to leave, he just didn't want to stay in that awkward atmosphere. he kind of blamed himself for making it awkward. he just doesn't know how to revive a conversation. and if you didn't catch on, he's shy.

he thought about the same things as hyunjin, though he didn't know that. texting, that "cute" comment and if they would meet later. and of course just, him. but then he thought deeper into the texting situation. wouldn't it be awkward to text? it's just easier to talk in real life.

seungmin laid down on his couch thinking;

'can i trust him? maybe i should have left immediately when he found out? what if he tells someone? he is one of the most popular kids. others would believe him... right? but he seems nice, trustworthy. but what if he is trying to hunt me? and after that he would stuff me????'

he shook his head and covered his face, distracting himself from his dark thoughts.

'u-uhm, but maybe not? i don't know, maybe i'm just overreacting. i'll just try to- t-take it slow? uh, i don't know about that wording. but i'll try not to fall for him...'

he rubbed his eyes and hugged a soft pillow.

'not as comfy as jinnie... wait- I JUST SAID NOT TO FALL FOR HIM. ugh, why is my life like this? well, i am a hybrid. but maybe it's okay to think that way, since i am half animal. half cat to be specific. ooh, and cats like to cuddle and hug and- stuff, right? so, it DOES make sense. but i can't fully let myself go. i can't fully trust him, right? '


hyunjin opened the door quietly, scared of his dad. he never knew when he was home. but when he was, it most definitely didn't mean good. he tried to sneak his way back upstairs, but then he heard his dad.

"hyunjin? where were you?" his dad walked to him.
"i was-... at my friend's house." 
"and why did you not tell me?" his dad said, starting to sound a bit angry.
"y-you weren't home..." hyunjin answered quietly, looking away.
"you could have just texted or called me!"
"i-i couldn't reach your line." hyunjin said, looking at his direction. then his dad looked at him up and down.
"okay then..." he walked downstairs as hyunjin let out a quiet relieved sigh, 'thank god he didn't do anything this time.'

"also, hyunjin! you have to get out the house tonight! i have some people coming over and we don't need you here." his dad yelled from downstairs.
"o-okay." hyunjin weakly said, walking into his room, cleaning it up a little. then crashing onto his bed, thinking.

'i feel so weak around him, i could never stand up for myself. i wonder what he would do if i would show attitude towards him... actually i do not want to know.'

he lied about his black eyes, scars, wounds and everything in between. his dad was abusive, mostly when he was drunk, which means often. he didn't know why he didn't reach out. no one knew about the situation hyunjin was in and he was afraid. 

he could have resolved this issue a long time ago, but he didn't, why? nobody knew. well, yeah. nobody knew since he didn't tell anyone. he hated to be in that situation, but who wouldn't.

//ah, i don't really like this part

:^{ []

please forgive me~\\

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