I'm Fed Up With You Guys

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I tried to chop this up so that only that part with Mikey sad shows, but I failed, so skip to 3:46.  (Be warned, this video is so hilarious that it is deadly, and also there may swear words in this video and story)

It was an amazing night, the stars were shining, the buildings' beautiful lights were on, and there was a bunch of awesome Kraang smashing going on.  Leonardo was handling 3 of the Kraang, Michelangelo and Donatello were handling a few others, and Raphael was enjoying his share of Kraang and beating the shit out of them.

"See, this always makes me feel better.  Just beating up Kraang, getting pizza afterwards, nothing could be better."
"Ya well, we still need to get into the building and hack into the Kraang-"
"I'm going to cut you off right there Donnie, you are going to hack into the computer thingy."

Donnie grunted in annoyance and continued fighting, while Raph had two Kraang in a headlock, holding onto their heads.  After they finished the fight, or what was the beginning, Leo called to the team, "Come on guys, let's go in."

They burst through the doors, and a hoard of Kraang spot them and start shooting their lasers at them.  Dodging all the lasers, Donnie makes his way through the Kraang to the computer and starts trying to hack.

"Donnie, might wanna hurry up now!"  Raph shouted, while he was cornered by a bunch of Kraang, but Mikey helps him out.
"I'm trying!  I don't work well under pressure!"
"Here's some help, if you don't hurry up then I'll smash your head into the computer myself."
"That's not helping..."
Leo growled at them, "Stop arguing and come on!!"

Mikey was fighting off some Kraang but he got pushed onto the fancy computer set and accidentally pushed a few wrong buttons and the computer system shut down.

"MIKEY!?!?"  They all shout in unison and Raph hits him hard.
"You always got to screw things up, don't you?"  Raph pinched at him and then the Kraang came in bigger numbers.
"Come on, we got to go."  Leo ordered, heading off with Donnie, Raph, and Mikey at his tail.

They head back to the lair and Master Splinter was waiting with April.

"How was it, did you succeed in your mission?"  Master Splinter asks, sitting up from his meditating position.
"No, Mikey had to go and screw everything up." Raph replied with a grunt of disappointment, heading to the kitchen.  Mikey follows him and yells, "Why do you always blame me for everything?!"
"Cause you were the one who did it."  Replied Donatello, heading to his lab and he closes the doors behind him.

Master Splinter shook his head and said with wise words, "You shouldn't blame Mikey for it all, it was a group effort.  You all failed together."
They all, except for Donnie who wasn't there, said, "Hai, Sensei."
"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to meditate."  Master Splinter walked away and everything went back to normal, except for Mikey.  He was in his room playing with Ice Cream Kitty, but he couldn't help think about what the others have always said to him.
***short flashbacks***
"You're an idiot."
"You're dumb!"
"Start using your head more."

***flashback ended***

"No, just stop!"  Shouted Mikey to himself and he buried his head into his pillow.  "Oh, Ice Cream Kitty, I am not worthless.  Right?"  His cat meowed in reply, and he squirted more whip cream on top of her head.  Chuckling to himself, he went outside to put the kitty back in the freezer.  Accidentally bumping into Raphael, he got slapped hard across the face.

"What the what was that for, dude?!"  He hollered, rubbing his face.
"For being a dumbie."
"I'm not dumb."  Mikey growled, and he stomped off.
"I'm going outside to ride my skateboard, just in case anyone needs me later, which you probably wont.  Not like anyone cares."

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