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Emma and Killian followed their daughter to the tavern that Hook used to drink at with his crew.

"You can't go in there," Hook told Hope. She turned around and faced them.

"Why not?"

"Wh-Because it's a bar!" Emma said.

"Yeah, but this is how me and Henry got home last time I made us go through a portal. I don't know if it'll work this time, but it's worth a try, right?" She asked and walked in without their answer.

"Hook!" Hope yelled, and the tavern fell silent. The old Killian stood up and walked over to his unknown daughter.

"It's Captain Hook, little lass," he said with a wink.

"I know," she said and snatched his stein of rum and threw it across the bar. He looked shocked, as did the rest of his men.

"What the bloody hell was that for?"

"Do you know Princess Emma?" She asked.

"Of course I do, I have been formally asked to stay out of the kingdom on her wedding day. Why do you ask, little lass?"

Hope's face fell with sadness and shock.

"Who is she marrying?"

"The huntsman who saved her mother. Now, if you please, I would like to get back to my... business," Hook said and looked at the women at the table who wore flirtatious smiles on their faces.

"What business could be more important than fighting for your true love?" Hope asked. Killian whipped his head back around and faced the little girl.

"My true love died long ago, so run along," Hook said and began to walk away.

"Milah wasn't your true love, Daddy," she said. Killian stopped and looked at Hope. The people in the bar, including the women, watched as if it were a soap apera.

"I'm your father?"


"What kind of deception is this? How could you possibly know if I was your father or not?" He asked with anger.

"Because you and my mommy are each other's true love, which is why I can do this," she said and held out her palm. A blue butterfly flew in the window and landed on her hand, then started to change colors.

"Bloody hell?" Killian said, then looked at her with furrowed brows. When the butterfly flew out, she walked up to him and held out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Hope Swan-Jones. Will you please help me?"

Killian looked at her in disbelief. She was so pure, how could a vengeful man like himself have a daughter like her? He shook her tiny hand, keeping his eyes glued to her. She looked at the door and saw her parents looking in through the door.

"I'll be right back, stay here," she said, then left the tavern.

"Captain, do you believe her?"

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