chapter 6

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Harry texts him during the meeting. Louis doesn’t see them until after.

hows it going?

why’s aiden there?

are you alright? you’re not in trouble are you?

just call me when its done please

Louis does that, as soon as his voice is steady. Harry picks up barely after the first ring. “Hold on, this isn’t Harry. Let me get-“ he begins.

“Stop it, shut the fuck up. I have to talk to Harry right now. Okay? Now.” Louis’ voice shakes on the last word. “I just need to talk to him.”

“This is Harry,” Harry says after a second, soft and worried. “I’m sorry. What happened?”

Louis takes a deep breath. “We have to stop s-seeing each other?” Nope, no luck. His voice falls apart halfway though and he can’t recover.

“What?” Harry sounds crushed.

“I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry. I can’t.” Louis can’t think of anything else to say.

“Why?” Harry finally gets out. “I didn’t… did I do something?”

“Nothing, and… nothing’s changed, about how I feel or anything. I still… I still really like you, and I wish… um.” Louis hates crying. His voice gets really stupid when he cries, high and scratchy. “I wish I could kiss you the next time I see you, but I can’t.”

“Was that what the meeting… did they find out? About us?”

“No, they. Um.”


“You’re gonna hate me,” Louis says, trying to keep his breathing steady. “I’m so sorry.”

“Tell me what, Lou,” Harry says softly.

“They want me to date Aiden.” Louis thinks he might throw up.

Dead silence. Then, “What?”

“He’s apparently gay, and he’s coming out? ‘Cause it worked with that other boy band. And they want to play it like he and I started falling for each other while I was writing.” Louis has to add. “I know, I know that’s-“

“I’ve been begging to come out for a year.” Harry’s crying. “And that’s my story, that’s how we fell for each other. And he just takes it? And you’re letting him?”

“They threatened my job, I didn’t have a choice. They said either I agreed to it or they kicked me out of the entourage and I’m going home. And I wouldn’t get paid, because breach of contract. You don’t think I didn’t try everything possible to get out of this? I hate him, you know that. You’re the only one I want to date.” Louis curls up smaller on himself from where he’s perched on top of the toilet. “Harry, you don’t understand how hard it was for me to… I was gonna risk everything to be more serious with you. I promise, I don’t want him.”

Harry’s still caught up in his own line of thought. “I don’t think they think it’s a real thing,” he says sadly. “But I really do like both. I don’t care about their bits. I love everyone. But I’m not allowed to say that, because they’ll think I’m making it up for attention.”

“I’m sorry,” is all Louis can say.

“So what, you’re going on like, staged dates with him?” Harry asks after a moment, sounding broken. “In public? And you’re gonna, kiss him and stuff?”

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