chapter 11

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In the car on the way back, Louis can’t keep himself off of Harry. It’s worth it for how Harry smiles at him and blushes. Louis has to try to pull back, though, because he can’t be like that in public. He knows that.

Harry gets a little offended in the last ten minutes. “Why don’t you want to be near me?” he asks.

“I do, but cameras.”

Harry slumps back, defeated. “Oh.”

“Yeah. But I still love you.” Louis links his hand with Harry’s on the seat. “A lot.”

“Love you too.”

Their car is surrounded when they stop in front of the building. Harry’s scared, but Louis rolls his eyes. “Come on, it’s a few girls.”

“They’re really strong all together. Just wait, we’re going to the back.”

“I’ve got it under control.”

“I don’t-“

“I’m sure it can’t be that bad.” Louis opens the door and steps out. He’s in control for all of three seconds. He can’t think through the screaming, barely registers the questions they’re begging him to answer. He’s swept away from the car before he can stop it, and he has to struggle to stay upright. “Get away from me,” he shouts, but nothing happens. He thinks he’ll be dragged down.

Then the car door opens again and Harry comes out. Louis gathers this after the fact, from the surge of girls toward the van. Louis is pulled with them, but he doesn’t mind. He pushes hard, harder than before, to get back to Harry. He calls for him. “Harry!”

No answer; he keeps pushing towards the tall head of curly hair. Finally he gets within grabbing distance. “Harry!” he calls again, and sees Harry’s head whip around. Louis sticks his hand up and waves frantically. As soon as Harry sees him, he reaches over and pulls him over with irresistible strength. Louis hangs on and pulls too, until he’s tucked between Harry and his bodyguard – who’s not doing much in the way of guarding, in Louis’ opinion.

Immediately, Harry wraps his arms around Louis and holds him tight. “I’m gonna die,” he says into Louis’ ear, voice small and terrified.

“You’re not gonna die,” Louis says immediately. “You won’t. It’s okay.”

“I can’t breathe and I’m gonna die.”  

Louis remembers then, that Harry is claustrophobic and definitely terrified of this crowd way more than any other human being would be, even more than Louis is. Louis feels a little more confident then, and a lot guilty. He gets up on tiptoes and hugs Harry around the shoulders for a second before the tug of the crowd forces him back down.

Louis talks directly in Harry’s ear. “Listen to me. You aren’t going to die. I’m dying first, remember? I’m old. You’re young and vibrant. You’re going to be okay, I’m right here with you.”

“They’re crushing me,” Harry says back. “I can’t breathe.”

“Sure you can. In and out, remember? You’ve kept breathing through worse than this. And you didn’t have me then. Don’t talk to them, don’t listen. You’ve got me, okay? We’ll be okay. Remember? Aiden was worse than this,” Louis teases. He wants to kiss him. “I want to kiss you.”

“You could,” Harry says in a tiny voice.

“No, baby, no I can’t. You know that. But once we’ve made it inside I will, okay? Just follow this bloke towards the door, it’s okay.” Louis notices some girl filming them from inches away; he accidentally knocks the phone out of her hands and steps on it. He’s glad Harry doesn’t notice; he’d probably try to get her a new one. “It’s okay,” Louis promises again. “Hold on to me.”

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