chapter 14

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It’s 196 days into the year, and the tour is over. Louis hated the time off before, but now there’s Harry, and Zayn wants to hang out. Louis is kind of excited, actually. They have a final day of things to do; flying back to London for a last press conference and an interview. Louis tags along as usual, taking notes and only texting Harry half the time.

They’re allowed to sit next to each other on the plane; some convenient finagling on Louis’ part puts Aiden near the bodyguards, so Harry can lean on Louis’ shoulder for a couple seconds while no one’s watching. “I need to talk to you,” Harry says at one point, very soft.

“Okay. Go on.”

“No. Like, talk.”


“Not here, please, I mean. It’s kind of a big talk.”

“Is it a breakup talk?” Louis says, mostly teasing.


“Then fine. We’ll have it whenever you want.”

“Tonight? Dinner? There’s a place I love, and they have good security. Is that… would that…”

“Sure. Should I dress up?”

“Maybe just a little bit. Nothing especially fancy.” Harry squeezes Louis’ hand very briefly. “I promise it’s a good talk. At least, I hope… if you take it the way I’m wishing, it’ll be alright.”

“It’s okay. I understand what you mean.”

“I know you do.” Louis doesn’t dare meet Harry’s eyes, because he just knows how Harry’s smiling is too loving to bear. “What do you need? Do you need anything?” Harry asks after a moment.

“Nah, love. I’ve got my travel clothes on, I’m comfortable.” Louis has learned to fly and drive in warm, baggy clothes. Usually Harry’s clothes, to be honest, or clothes Harry has bought for him so Louis stops stealing Harry’s favorites.

He’s learned to be alright with Harry buying him things. Harry never does it in a pretentious or showy way. It’s always a quiet package left on Louis’ bed, or a soft murmur as he hands the gift over without any warning. He never asks for anything in return, and he never makes a big deal of it, so Louis figures he should do the same. He doesn’t ask for anything, ever, but when Harry gives him something, he keeps it. The cashmere jumper, the signed shirts from a dozen indie artists Louis had never heard of, the warm soft hats and travel pillows and iPod cases.

And it’s worth it, for how Harry’s eyes go bright when he sees Louis in things he bought for him. “I love you,” he says today. “Tell me if you need anything?”

“I will.”

When they have to navigate the airport and the accompanying horde of reporters, fans, and paparazzi, Louis wishes Harry could hold his hand. He hates these crowds, and he hates knowing that Harry must be scared. Impulsively, he whispers to Zayn, “Take care of him, please, now.”

Without hesitation, Zayn speeds up to slide an arm around Harry’s waist as they make it through the crowd. He doesn’t know why, but he can tell he needs to be comforting. Louis loves Zayn.

A few minutes later, his phone buzzes. thank you xx

imagine its me, he answer.

already am

He’s in a different car than the lads on their way to their press conference. As he’s getting in, he hears behind him, “Wait!”

Louis turns around; Harry is there, reaching for him. Louis grins and hugs him. “Hi,” he says a little curiously. “What’s up?”

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