chapter 10

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While Harry’s in, Louis inspects everything. He opens the shutters, just to know how. The patio has a couple sunbathing chairs and steps down towards the ocean. Louis shuts the shutters again. He peeks in the little fridge and cupboards to find they’re fully stocked with fresh food. The sink is a little creaky but functional, and the stove is old-fashioned gas, the type that Louis would have to light to use. He hopes Harry’s better at cooking than he is. Louis’s burned an egg before.

Harry’s taking a long shower, so Louis fiddles about a little more. He takes off his ‘boyfriend’ hoodie and lays it over the back of the couch. He takes out his phone just long enough to text Lottie and tell her he’ll be incommunicado for the next day or so, and then he turns it off. It just seems appropriate.

Harry comes out then, towel around his waist. He scrapes his dripping hair back from his face as he looks around the cottage. His eyes land on Louis last, and he’s smiling by then. “Hi,” he says a little stupidly.

“Hey love. I’ll go quick.” Louis gets up and pulls his shirt off.

“You can use my stuff, in the shower.”

“Thanks, dearest.” Louis pecks Harry on the cheek as he passes him.

Harry stops him and kisses his lips. “I love you,” he says.

“Love you too, babe.”

“It’s so nice to be able to just say it.”

Louis smiles curiously. “I guess so.” That’s never been a problem for him before, so he hasn’t really thought about it. Harry’s happy, though, and that’s starting to be everything that matters. “See you in a minute, yeah?”


Harry did leave him a lot of hot water; Louis can take a five-minute boiling shower and comes out feeling happy and clean. The towels are very soft. He pulls on boxers and puts the towel over his shoulder as he leaves. “It’s lovely,” Louis says.

Harry’s flopped on his stomach, feet up on his pillow as he texts. Louis drops a kiss in his hair on his way to his side. Harry smiles, glancing at Louis before looking back at the phone. “Bed’s soft,” Harry murmurs.

Louis lies down the right way in bed, glances over at Harry’s big feet. The bed is very soft, though, Harry’s right. “What size is this?” Louis asks. “It’s small.”

“Queen, I think. Zayn says hi.” Harry turns his phone off, too, and drops his head down onto his arms for a moment.

Louis can’t help himself; he reaches out and pats Harry’s little bum. It’s just so perky and cute. “You’ve got the most adorable bum in the entire world,” Louis decides aloud.

“I thought yours was glorious,” Harry says drowsily.

“It is. But yours is 



“’Kay.” After a moment, Harry hauls himself up and trots his little naked ass around turning all of the lights off. Louis feels weird for looking at how Harry’s dick flops about as he clambers back into bed, but it’s kinda 


. Harry catches him looking. “Y’like what you see?” he teases, lying down on his stomach again, but the right way this time.

“I do,” Louis agrees. “But you’re tired. I can wait until tomorrow.”


“Can I, um. Could I give you a back massage?” Louis suggests. He doesn’t know why he’s nervous. Harry lights up.

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