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"My father did what?" Prince Beckett says falling into the chair that he was about to sit in.

"He not only divorced your mother, but set a price on her head after declaring her a fugitive." Rhys spits out. He doesn't like what King Grant did to the werewolf queen. It was humiliating enough to divorce the good queen, but to call her a criminal and hunt her, that was beyond low.

The people are disgusted with their monarch and the crown prince. They are less than pleased with the vampire princess that will be taking the throne, eventually. 

King Grant is so focused on trying to win the heart of the princess that he doesn't realize just how close his country is to civil war.

"I need to get my mother out of there." Beckett says sick, he has no idea just how he's going to do it though. No one has any idea of how to find his mother let alone how to get her there.

"Your highness, lords, lady, there's a witch here that says she wants to help. She says that she works for Lord Rhys and Lord William." The butler says as silence had shrouded the room. Each had been lost in thoughts of how to help the former queen.

Rhys suddenly gains a hopeful look and smiles. Soon William joins him. "Show her in Aimsly."

"Right away sir," Aimsly says and ushers in the witch.

Lia wasn't sure what she expected but the beauty that walked in wasn't it. She comes in with her head held high and no little attitude. Ophelia likes her immediately.

The witch takes a look around and easily dismisses her employers after a brief glance. She pays more attention to the prince, commander general and Ophelia. When she looks at Ophelia she smiles brightly. "I see that you've found all four of them."

Lia looks at the witch that speaks with a familiarity of a friend. "Yes, I have," her forehead wrinkles in confusion. "Do I know you?"

"No, but you will. We will be working together for several projects." The witch goes over to the couch and takes a seat without permission. Now Lia knows that she definitely likes her. She reminds her of herself. With those thoughts the witch looks at her and winks.

"Okay, you have three problems you need help with. First you need to get the lovely Queen Stacia to safety. But before you can do that you need to find her.

"The second thing you need to do is bring the Commander General's son here. He'll be a target of the king once he thinks about things." The words of the witch makes the general's face blanch. He hadn't even thought of his son.

Lia blinks over to him, "Rafael, you have a son?"

"Yes, my wife and I had both given up on ever finding our mates. So had our family's so they decided that we should marry. Vincent, was my only child that we were able to conceive and bring to term. My wife died shortly after his birth." They could all hear his sorrow. Perhaps she wasn't his mate, but he had loved her.

"How old is he?" Lia goes to him and gives him a hug. The other males hold back their growls, this isn't easy for any of them.

"He's twenty-five now." Rafael turns to Rhys, "Please, would you allow my son to come here? I know you likely won't want him to stay for long but-"

"General, your son is welcome here. Just as Queen Stacia is welcome for as long as they both wish to remain. I would never separate families if it isn't necessary to do so." Rhys says and although he dislikes having that many wolves around, having Lia look at him with love and a soft smile makes it worth it.

"Now that that is settled," the witch says acidly, "as I was saying, the third problem you have that I can help you with is finding Prince Cowan's mate. That one will likely be the most difficult actually, since she's had more than a century to move around and change.

"But she is low on the risk level, Queen Stacia is of prime importance." The witch looks over to the prince. "Do you have something of your mothers that means a great deal to you?"

The prince takes off a ring, "This was a gift from my mother's grandfather to my mother. She gifted it to me and told me to give it to the woman that is my mate when I find her." Beckett hands the ring to the witch.

The witch looks at the ring and after studying it for some time nods once in satisfaction. "This will do." She looks at the gathered group of people. "This will locate her and allow me to set a spell on her with instructions. The spell will allow her to come here if she activates it. The tricky part will be me setting the spell long distance directly in her body so that it won't be lost.

"Once I start my spell I will need absolute silence." The witch looks at Lia, "You will need to make sure that your son will not awaken or you'll need to stay with him in another room." The witch gives her a look of understanding as Lia leaves the room.

Lia hadn't wanted to leave, but this is too important to risk everything for selfish reasons.

The witch looks at William, "The other spells won't be nearly so bad and she can return afterwards." William nods his understanding.

Silence settles over the room as the witch starts her spell. They are all caught up in the beauty of the words and the rhythm.

The witch finishes the spell and collapses. Beckett is the first one to her and helps her to sit up straight. Rafael is quick to get her something to drink and William orders food for her before going to get Lia.

After accepting the wine and drinking a good deal of it. Rhys is no little amused, vampire wine is stronger than most and the witch downs it like it was nothing more than water.

Lia comes back in as the witch hands the empty chalice back to Rafael. "It is done. She has the spell and she knows how to activate it. She is safe at the moment, but that will be changing soon so you might want to prepare chambers and clothing for her."

Rhys gives out the orders.

"My son? Do you need to rest more before you can help him?" Rafael says anxiously. Once it's brought to his attention that Vincent is potentially in trouble he needs to have him here.

"I just need a bit of time to recover and a bit of food." Even as she speaks food is brought to her. Although there is food enough for them all none of the others can stomach the thought of eating just then.

Having several sets of eyes on her while eating throws her off enough to make her finish as quickly as she can.

"Right, let's finish this then." The witch once more begins her spell.

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