Chapter 8

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Picture of Benjamin


          There was pestering silence going around the room a swished of pain stabbed right into my arms leaving a punctured mark; claiming that something has been there, but then plastic gloved hands pressed me down on the bed leaving me there struggle against their might. I looked around the cold white room that left an icy breeze to run down my spine, but then a breeze of the door slid open a tall lab coat man stepped inside checking in with the scientist.

          He checked a clipboard surfing through the papers that had the diagnostics and blood results, they taped my arms down then descended further to restrain me while in the other room I watched the other kids testing their new powers. Everyone was fascinated with their gifts showing a sort of awe-struck towards them, but not a single spark came out of me only pure emptiness was all I felt.

          She was in the other room on my right testing her abilities with a flower that she guides through the flower pot while the scientist scribbled down notes, but the ones in the room with me couldn't get me to awaken my powers. The man stood there leaving out a dissatisfaction sighed, "Have you tried everything?" His unfamiliar accent stunned the tensed atmosphere.

          The scientist released me after the restraints were tightened each nodding in confirmation, "Take her back to the room I want her rested then bring her back here and try again, she's the only damn kid without powers." I looked over to the right noticing that She was staring at me worrisome, pressing her hands on the glass, eyebrows furrowed.

           "Please...please don't," I begged tears streaming down my face glancing to one of the scientist that was covered from head to toe, the man walking out of the room without another word.

            I watched as they pushed the medic bed down the bright white halls with the light reflecting off another, "Let us go...please." I cried tears streaming down my cheeks as a headache bloomed from the temples.

          "Let us go...please." Gasping I sat up swiftly watching as a set of kids around jumping back from the sudden outburst.

            Everything was wet from the nightmare that was conjured leaving me in a pool of sweat that dripped down my spine, the humid air in the room was making everything sticky with my clothes gluing to the bare of my skin. When I took I look around the room there were kids sleeping on the floor with camping mats in order that had rags of torn blankets.

            The kids around me were hiding under their blankets peaking with wariness in their eyes, but the sudden realization soon hit me when I didn't spot Elena. Stumbling to my shaking feet the room was factory warehouse, there were stairs at the far end they probably leading to the second floor while we were on the third floor.

           Stepping over the bed mats and kids sleeping the clothing I was wearing were worn down with scraps of dirt also grass stains and there was dotted blood on the ends of my shirt, but when looking over myself there wasn't a hint of wounds or bruising to be found. Taking another look around the room, there had to be an estimate of 15-18 kid, it was the most I have seen in years.

          Easing each step down the hall the tips of my fingers twitched preparing to kill anyone that had Elena I refused to watch this world take any more away from here, so each step was carefully pressed on whispering out a tired creak from the bumpy steel steps that had an engraved name on them. 

          The warehouse looked more like it was used for illegal factory working for cheap like the vendors sold on the streets, everything was painted with a tan color that was stained with dirt along with the edges having chipped paint that was showing the previous color, before it was painted over.

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