Chapter 1

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Jungkook body hurt as he sat down at one of the lunch tables, he felt other students eyes on him. Normally he'd ignore it, but this time it was annoying him. He was now the kid that one fainted during the cross country race, and two, watch another student get murdered and got out if with only a couple of bruises and a broken arm.

"Kookie?! You shouldn't be at school, you should be resting!" One of Jungkook's friend Abby ran over to him dropped her tray of food on the table and begun fussing over him. She was a western transfer student who basically forced friendship upon Jungkook when they met in year 10.

"And ruin his track record? Never." Cheol sat next to Jungkook shooing Abby back to the other side of the table. "But seriously Kook, you okay? You basically watched a kid get murdered."

"I'd rather not talk about it, but I'm fine I promise." He smiled at his friends shoving some of his lunch into his mouth,

"You sure?" Abby pressed concerned for her friend.

"Completely, can we just talk about something else. Like the dance or something?" Jungkook pleaded,

"Yeah, got anyone yet Abby?" Cheol looked to their only female friend,

"I've been looking at someone, I'm just waiting for them to get the signals." She hummed happily sipping at her drink.

"Maybe just force them to go, like you forced yourself onto me," Jungkook added,

"You make it sound like I raped you. I'm taking an easier approach with this man." She glared at Jungkook.

The three continued minorly bulling each other and complaining about school until the bell sounded and they were forced to return to their lessons. Jungkook and Cheol waved over Abby as she ran to get to her music lesson, while they wondered towards their history lesson.

"You know she's talking about you right." Jungkook looked to his friend, who was clueless on the whole matter.

"What? No, she isn't." He shook his head laughing slightly.

"Dude, I can show you the texts. She was complaining to me this morning how you weren't picking up what she is putting down. Her words, not mine." Jungkook shoved his friend with his good arm, trying to get through to him. He looked like he went into deep thought going over the subject at hand.

"Just ask her out idiot." Jungkook turned into their history class shaking his head.

"But what if your wrong, it'll just make everything awkward." Cheol took his seat next to Jungkook,

"Dude I don't care I just want her to stop talking to me about how sharp your jawline is, or how good you'd f-" he was cut off by the teacher walking in, who was not their history teacher.

"Good morning class, I'm Mr Kim. Your usual teacher has taken emergency leave so I'll be taking over his classes until his return." The new teacher explained, fixing the slim lines round glasses framming his face. Jungkook got caught up in his look, soft light brown hair with creamy smooth skin, soft ey- he was interupted by Cheol punching his arm.

"We get to torture the subsitute." He smiled like an idoit.

"Why am I friends with you." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I will not tolorate talking Mr?" The new teacher looked at Jungkook.

"Jeon Jungkook, sir." He answered quickly, the teacher just nodded turning to the blackboard to start the lesson.

The class change over bell letting Jungkook leave to Cheol to head for their lockers to get their books for the next lesson.

"Jimin this is so boring!" another student complained loudly near Jungkook's locker as he searched to find his English textbooks.

"Shut up Taehyung." The blonde hissed at his friend. The name made Jungkook stop moving, the voice and the name felt very familiar to him.

"Come on Jungkook, we'll be late and you know how Mrs Kwan gets." Cheol grabbed his good arm and pulled him from his locker. "I'd rather not get harassed by her all lesson."

"Let go, I'm coming." Jungkook shook of his friend forgetting about the two people by his locker.

English wasn't Jungkook's strongest lesson, it didn't help that for reason his teacher hated him for an unknown reason. This wasn't like a petty hate, she physically loathed his existence. Constantly finding ways to try to humiliate him in class, but that all about all she could do. As Jungkook being the star student she couldn't give him a detention or give him low grades.

"Mr Jeon late again?" She questioned as he walked into her class,

"The bell hasn't even gone yet Mrs Kwan, technically you're early." Cheol sassed pushing Jungkook to his desk.

"I could give you a dentention for talking back to me." Mrs Kwan folded her arms.

"I dare you." Cheol challenged.

Cheol ended up with an afternoon detention so Jungkook was walking home with Abby, who refused to let him go alone as she claimed the person who killed that racer could come back and finish the job on Jungkook. Abby, of course, was ranting how Cheol had been clueless to her advances,

"Like today in math I was doing all the flirty touches and he totally ignored it all." She huffed.

"Abby this is a highly interesting conversation, which I would love to continue but we're at my house. So I'll see you tomorrow." Jungkook waved off his friend as she now began to backtrack to the closest bus stop.

"Mum I'm home!" Jungkook called closing the front door behind him, taking his shoes off he heard his mother in the living room calling him to come to look at something. That something was a news article depicting the event on the weekend.

"I don't understand how you don't remember the person's face." His mother shook her head.

"I don't know either, it's just a blur really. The doctor said it was shocking, maybe it'll come back to me." He shrugged turning the TV on sitting on the other side of the couch, "is dad coming home tonight?"

"Yeah, but we have a company dinner later I cooked you dinner already it's in the fridge you just have to reheat it." His mother smiled. Jungkook nodded zoning into the TV show.

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