Chapter 8

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"Time to get up," someone shook Jungkook's body lightly bringing out of the interesting dream he was having,

"What?" He grumbled snuggling into the covers more,

"That's no way to speak to your mother, also breakfast is ready." His mother explained, moving back towards the door, pausing for a second "you cleaned your room, finally might I add". Jungkook sat up rubbing his face looking around his room, he had no recollection of cleaning his room. Remembering leaving it in with clothes thrown around the room and his desk a mess of papers and textbooks. Which were all now either back in his wardrobe or dirty clothes basket and his book neatly stacked upon his desk and the papers in a pile as well.

"Did I sleep clean?" He muttered looking around the room.

Thankfully for Jungkook, it was Saturday so he a reasonably slow day ahead of him with training for cross country being cancelled with the coach being sick. He moved from his bed checking his phone on his way down the dining room, where his father was sitting slowly eating while reading the news on his iPad.

"Morning, you slept in today." He commented looking up from his iPad.

"Must be tired from school, he deserves asleep in." His mother ruffled his already messy hair placing his plate down on the table.

"Any plans for today?" His mother asked sitting next to her husband,

"Yeah, Abby and Cheol want to go clothes shopping for the new season. Take advantage of the sales or whatever." Jungkook commented.

"Make sure your home for dinner, we wanted to talk to about something." His father stated, making Jungkook freeze his mind raking for a reason for the meeting.

"Nothing serious, we just want to talk." His mother added as he slowly nodded.

"I can't believe you cleaned his room," Yoongi commented sitting on Namjoon's desk.

"It looked like a bomb went off, it made me uncomfortable. I doubt he'll notice anyway." Jin defended spinning around his Namjoon's chair. "You're the one who refused to let him go," Jin added, looking at the feline.

"He's a better cuddler than any of you." Yoongi hissed,

"Awe was Yoongi feeling a bit needy." Jin cooed annoying the hybrid.

"Fuck off." Yoongi glared at the elf.

"Shut up guys. Why are you two in here anyway?" Namjoon looked up from his armchair where he was reading.

Namjoon's office, or laboratory as others like to call it looked as if an old rich white man should be using it. Dark mahogany walls, antique pieces scattered the room. One corner held a large globe that opened to reveal many bottles of liquor. Namjoon currently sat in a brown leather armchair with gold detailing with a lamp shining over him. His feet resting on a small matching ottoman. The boys sat on a large mahogany desk to match the walls behind it sat a bookcase that covered the wall, and opposite sat another simpler desk with many bottles, vials and equipment scattered across it with a glass casing on the walls behind to hold potions and experiments.

"We're bored, as waiting for Jungkook to rush into the house demanding for answers," Yoongi explained,

"He's not going to, I gave him his memories back but it's going back a bit of time to reset themselves in his memories. So the next couple of days for him are going to be a little...odd." Namjoon explained.

"Odd?" Jin titled his head,

"Not as bad as the last couple, he'll just forget some information but it will all be fine in 72 hours," Namjoon assured the two.

"That's boring, I was hoping for maybe a breakdown and questioning his sanity." Yoongi huffed.

"That... will probably happen. Someone has to carefully explain, he's not insane and Taehyung has to beg for him not to turn him into the police." The warlock continued,

"WHAT?!" Taehyung appeared with papers flying everywhere.

"How many times have we told you not in the house!" Jin growled, Taehyung just shrugged.

"Because he watched you kill a man his human morals are going to kick in and he'll 'do the right thing'" Yoongi rolled his eyes,

"What the hell did you guys do!?" a loud female voice shot through the house. The four from the office ran out to the living room, finding Hoseok being interrogated by a very angered C.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Hoseok shouting trying to get away from her,

"C what are you doing?" Namjoon pulled her away from the poor wolf.

"What am I doing?! I just pulled in by the council and almost was housebound because of you idiots!" She shoved Namjoon off of her.

"The council? What the hell did they want?" Namjoon questioned.

"Someone decided to go on a little murder spree and kill five families around my house. I had the blame for it." She explained, "they just assumed I did it."

"Well... you did commit genocide a few hundred years ago." Jin added,

"That was to contain a virus, Willy Wonka over there started." She glared at Namjoon.

"None of us did it, we've all been here for the past three days," Taehyung explained,

"Then who the hell decided to play sport with the humans?!" She grumbled.   


Oh my god, 400 reads?! Thank you!

Sorry for my absence, honestly did not have the motivation, but now I do. 

I am going on holiday soon so Ill try fit in my chapters in that but I don't know how successful I will be. 

Thank you again! Please comment and vote! <3

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