Chapter 5

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"If this is just some normal occurrence, you owe me." She hissed at Namjoon as they walked into the school,
"I only asked you because Yoongi basically forced me." Namjoon told the shorter warlock. She sighed messing up her smokey coloured hair.

She, is Cerys but simply goes by C these days. A 'close' friend of Namjoon who lives outside the town as she finds others irritating and incompetent. Her only company is her familiar, a house cat hybrid who prefers to stay in his cat form than his human. They shared a similar bond as Namjoon to his familiars Hoseok and Yoongi. None of them conjured by magic, simply found in need of help and he provided a connection they firstly protected them from other warlocks who see familiars as tools instead of companions and secondly gave them a home. Both warlocks seeing their familiars as a family, treating them as such.

"Why are you even working here anyway?" C span around on the spinning stool that Namjoon usually sat in to check up on students.
"It's a long story, basically I had to wipe a kid's memory and now he's possibly showing signs of-" He was cut off by the door slamming opening and the teenager in question stumbled looking like he was about to puke he guts out. Which he did proceed to do in the freshly emptied bin in the corner of the medical room.
"Wow, what a start," C muttered sliding to the other side of the room as Namjoon help the boy onto the bed and gave him a puke bag.
"Can you help please?" Namjoon asked gesturing to removing the puke bin.
"Ew, no I'm only here to help with headache kid." She shivered at the thought of touching the bag.
"This is headache kid." Joon snapped, she rolled her eyes pulling on latex gloves,
"You deal with the puke bucket, let me look at him." C rolled up her button up's sleeves taking a pen torch from Joon's pocket. She heard the other warlock gag as he picked up the bucket.

"Hi, I'm C. I'm a student nurse," she smiled at the student who looked ready to puke again. "If you puke on me, I will rip your stomach out aim for the bag." She commented pointing at it, he gave a slight nod before she begun going through simple check-ups. Checking his fever, which was sky-rocketing, his irregular heartbeat, his dry and itchy throat along with his splitting headache and ringing in his ears. Namjoon returned with a new bin, asking if she found anything, beckoning her outside the room.
"Honestly? Something is reacting to the spell you used. His body is trying to reject it but obviously doesn't know how." She explained. "It's started as a headache, then obviously it grew to this when the body ran out of options."
"If I take the spell off, he is going to remember Taehyung ripping out someone's throat," Namjoon explained,
"He's going to die, at this rate you have maybe three days to make a decision. If I were you, I'd take it off and just threaten him into not telling anyone." She shrugged.
"Threatening isn't always the answer C. Also there has to be a way to keep the spell and stop this." Joon glared at the shorter.
"Your an idiot. Give him the usual shit, and it'll stop all of that but you need to make a choice, either he dies or you allow him to live and hope he doesn't burst your little bubble. Now I'm going home." She turned on her heels and left the school.

Namjoon walked back into the medical room, glancing at the boy who looked almost as white as a ghost. He sat down at the desk pulling open the bottom drawer and grabbed different vials and bags, grabbing a paper cup and filling it with water. Adding and mixing the different ingredients he got up and sat next to the boy. "It's just the flu, drink this it'll help with everything." Namjoon assisted the weak teenage in drinking from the cup. Who was glad to be drinking something after puking up his guts, he had never been sick before he felt like he was dying.  

AN: Double Update Woop.
Just a short chapter though so we can get to the good bits. 

C will be back I promise, I like her. I've been waiting to put her in. 

Also, what do you think Namjoon should do? Figure out a way to keep the spell on him or Take it off and risk exposure? 

I hope you have a good day! <3 

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