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My love my love you drive me insane. You will be the reason they take me away,  lock me in a padded room brand me as crazy. As I rock back and forth laughing hysterically my eyes so distant I can't turn back into who I use to be. Look at what you done to me . Are you content? Is this what you wanted? I'm sorry you say, it wasn't suppose to be this way you say. Save your apologies because it's too late. You pushed me over the edge now you must pay. I told you before don't play with my heart. I warned you didn't I? You should of listened. You let her out now there's no turning back. What can I do? What do you suggest? You ask.
Run I say don't look back. She is unforgiving and she will destroy anything that has caused her the slightest pain. She's calling you my love bidding you to come play. Play the game you played with my heart. She wants to make your life a misery just like you did to me. Oh now your on knees and begging for mercy. Claiming that you love only me. What is the reason for it now. Is it because you are afraid. Why did it have to come to this. Tears streaming from my cheeks because I want to believe you I really do. She walks to you and kiss your poisoned lips as you whisper to her your promises. She becomes weak again as you place yourself inside her. Feeding off her desires. Her need to be loved her longing to be touched so doth the cycle continue.  For a season we are back in love. Until the next time we crash and burn. We'll argue then fuck, we'll cuss then fuck some more. Until one of us find the strength to say no more. See you're in love with my insanity the craziness that is me. It's like an aphrodisiac your own little sex pill. I'm in love with the pain that you cause me the hurt that you make me feel inside. We're both sick we just won't admit it. I'm toxic and your poison together we kill each other slowly then resucitate and do the same thing again.

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