Night 1: The Fifth Child

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Batman had shown up at the mountain to give the team a mission and Phantom had a very bad feeling about this one. As soon as he walked into the room he felt like his skin was crawling, there was only one other time when he felt like this. Once everyone was in the room Batman started briefing them on their mission, one Phantom knew wasn't going to be fun.

"I'm sure at least a few of you have heard of the Freddy Fazbear franchise."

As soon as Phantom heard that he froze, oh god no, did Batman know his secret, what about the others? Robin spoke, "You mean the chain of restaurants where several kids went missing?"

Batman nodded, "Five to be exact." Four, it was four. "People have recently started talking about it again because of a new horror attraction that's opening called Fazbear's Fright. The attraction is gathering everything it can find that was once used in the old restaurants, even old drawings they used to hang up."

"Because of this new attraction I decided to look into what happened to the missing children. They all went missing around the same time," The exact same time, "And I've come up with two theories. The first is that one of the employees kidnapped the children, the second is that the animatronics had something to do with it."

"There have been reports about at least one of the animatronics attacking children and almost killing them. The animatronics might have attacked the missing children, in which case their bodies were hidden somewhere. Your mission is to go to the new attraction and gather evidence and, if possible, find the bodies of the missing children."

Phantom knew that would be a bad idea, they didn't want to see that, and they would only find four bodies anyway. But he was surprised that Batman had put all of this together, though he actually needed to combine his two theories. Kid Flash spoke, "But how are we supposed to look for evidence there?"

"You'll all be going undercover as a small team of security guards and technicians, it'll allow all of you to look around without raising suspicion."

Aqualad spoke, "When do we start?"

"In a few hours, your shifts at the attraction start at midnight but you should get there sooner to look around beforehand."

They all nodded and Batman told them that they all had uniforms in their rooms along with any supplies they might need. Phantom was very unsure about this mission, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to handle it considering his involvement. But he had to at least try, he owed it to them, and he'd be damned if he gave up before he even started.

Phantom was apparently supposed to be a technician, good, he could easily walk around. He could easily make up some sort of excuse to slip away from the others if being a technician was his cover. Phantom checked his clock, it was already ten, the team was planning on getting to the attraction at least an hour early.

Phantom put on his uniform, which really just consisted of a jacket that said 'technician' on the back and a tool box. There was a belt inside for carrying tools as well, that would come in handy, he didn't want to drag a toolbox around everywhere. He wasted time in his room by thinking about what the hell he was going to do, he was just glad none of the others were adults.

He was only about fourteen and the others were only a few years older then him, though Robin was his age. Oh god Robin, how would he react if he found out, he didn't want the hero to hate him because of all of this. He and Robin had started dating about a month ago, Robin was going to hate him if he found out.

He had to be careful, very careful, if they put two and two together this could all end very badly. Phantom kept internally freaking out until someone knocked on his door, he opened it and found Robin on the other side. Apparently he was a technician too, it made sense, the two of them and Kid Flash were some of the only people that knew things about how to fix what they'd probably be working with.

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