Chapter 5

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A great personality defines the guy. A very open to the ones close to him person. A reality facer and challenger. Goal driven and ambitious. I could over a day if I had to mention all about him.
The good was yet delivered to us, like every relationship with a spark at first.

It did not take us long to start arguing. It was normal beacuse it is what lovers do.
I was so excited, everything was just humble and positively energized.

I wrote him a letter, telling him how  in love I was with him and how I could not afford to lose him. Wrote in every language I thought he could possibly understand. His response was quite exceptional.

He made me a song! That was definitely a grand closure to every issue, I thought. The lyrics went to well:

"If I told u I love u
Would u believe me
Or doubt a bit
Believe that I'm lying
Like I do in some of my apologies
I'm trying
I'm sorry that I'm loving deep
Skipping some
Maybe is the reason why
I'm falling deep
Nobody  Catching me thou
Innocent love that u giving me
Deep down I'm left with the hope
I dare u listen
Never change to a hoe
Coz u the one I love
The person that is deep inside
When I'm feeling lifeless
She be giving me life
Even though I went through hell to get her
She be giving me heaven
Had my fun buh I ain't yes mam
I got my ways
U got ur moods
I know
U drift the rules
I break the rules
U know
U crying now
Buh when I'm showing love
Sometimes u feel like it's rage
When sex talking
Always u highlight the age
I say the three words
U smooth talking with the letters
What u mean bae
Best above everything
In the worst thing
When I know it ain't calculated
When fav patience
When u say that u can't say that
Only I say that only to make u feel the same way
Love is pain
Hardships means some to gain
I love u
I read ur letter
Buh I had reply with the song"

It had a wonderful message that portrayed a wonderful piece happiness within myself.
Only to find out that the issue will still rise from the dead and buried ones. I became so shocked, I thought about a lot.
I was on ledge to leave him. When all I felt was pure pain and my best friend's 'why didn't one warn me' words.
I learnt to live with pain that I would once positively change to everlasting happiness.
Hearing the words such as, " I would do anything for you", destroy me. It turns out that, because of one thing I  can not do for you. It demolishes everything that I would do for you.
Yet I still love you!

To be continued...

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