Chapter 4

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Ikeda was working in his office when Tanaka came in.
"Good morning Ikeda-san.''
Ikeda looked up at him before greeting him back.
"Oh good morning Tanaka-san,is there something you need?''

Tanaka seemed to have spaced out for a while,making Ikeda worried.
"Is something wrong?..''
Tanaka finally got out of his daze as he heard the other male's voice.

",not really,it's just that Mr.Kai wants you to see you right now.
I was just wondering what could be the reason,it's weird because it never happened before..''

Ikeda's face lit up upon hearing the news,he grinned before getting up.
"Well then,seems like i must go now.see you later Tanaka-san''

Tanaka nodded in response and both of them left his office.
"Oh wait,do you know where his offi-..''Tanaka turned around but Ikeda was already gone.''I hope he doesn't get lost..''


Ikeda climbed the stairs as fast as he can,when he got to the last floor Natalie spotted him and walked towards him,her high heels making a click-clack alerting Ikeda of her presence.
"You must be Ichiyaki Ikeda right?''The blond woman asked him with a smile.

"Yeah,that's me.''Ikeda replied.

"Great,well then follow me please.''

Ikeda was unsure who she was or why she asked him to follow her but he just did as she said.

"You see...''Natalie spoke as they walked.


"I have never seen Mr.Kai stressed before,and never thought i would,till today..''Natalie stopped before continuing her talk.

"Well..he usually hides it,so for him to show it was pretty unexpected.
What i want to say is that if you got something to do it,and i'm pretty sure you do,then i guess you're in deep Shit.''

Ikeda was surprised at her words,he couldn't see her face but he could feel her glare.'Women sure are scary..'
The golden eyed man just kept quiet and followed her steps.

"We're here.''Natalie stated and knocked on the door to Kai's office,she opened it after hearing a 'come in'.
Ikeda 's gaze met that of Kai's, who was sitting on his chair,many papers piled up on his desk.
Kai put down his pen and signaled with a swipe of his finger for Natalie to leave.He waited until she closed the door behind her and got up from his seat.

"I thought your door had a password?''Ikeda asked ,breaking the silence that filled the room.

"Only when I'm not inside.'' Kai replied as he leaned against the edge of his desk,his cold glare aimed at Ikeda.

"So?missing me already?Boss~?''Ikeda asked with a flirtatious look on his face.

Kai's expression darkened and his glare became much more intense.

"Alright Alright sorry,so what is it?You thought about my offer?~''The Alpha asked as he took a seat on one of the chairs placed in front of Kai's  working desk.

"Yeah,unfortunately i did think about your crappy deal.Even though the profiting part will always be you,There's nothing for me to gain.'' Kai answered as he crossed his arms against his chest.

"So what's your decision Princess?~''
Ikeda asked, clear amusement in his voice.

"Tch..Agreeing to your terms means protecting my position..Then i'll have no other choice.''

Ikeda smirked as he ran his hand through his silky black hair. "You made the right choice..Kai~''
The Alpha got up and and made his way to Kai,he cornered him as his placed his right hand on the edge of the desk,closing the distance between their bodies,he then tugged Kai's necktied and pulled him into a  deep passionate kiss.
Kai stiffened at the contact but didn't push Ikeda away,since he already agreed  to his deal.

After a while Ikeda broke apart their kiss.
"If you think my deal is unfair,i shall change it for you~''

"Huuh?'' Kai tilted his head to the side,wondering if he just heard him wrong.

Ikeda wrapped his arms around Kai's waist pulling their bodies closer.

"I'll shorten our previous deal to 3 weeks,if you don't fall in love with me within that time i'll get out of your life and never come near you again.''Ikeda whispered into Kai's ear in a low voice but The Omega could sense the seriousness in it.

"Are you a moron?..''Kai asked,almost not believing what he heard.

"However,if you fall in love with me you have to say it.And once you do you must agree to be my mate.~''

"Over my dead body,as if i'll ever fall in love with a bastard like you.'' Kai replied as he glared at Ikeda with a challenging look,but the other male just grinned in return.

"Deal?~''Ikeda asked.

'There's no doubt that this deal is better than the last one,i guess i'll just have to put up with this guy for 3 weeks and get rid of him.'Kai thought before answering with confidence in his voice.


"Well then~the countdown starts from today~get ready to fall for me...
kitten.''Ikeda Said in a playfull tone as he smirked devilishly.

"Pfft..we'll see~''The Omega said as he clutched Ikeda's collar,his red crimson eyes showing nothing but lust..lust for revenge.


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