Chapter 9

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"Okay, what's up?" Guzmán asked a little annoyed. "I thought we made some progress yesterday, but today you're all closed off."

"Nothing's up," I answered.

"That's what I'm talking about," he said, exasperated. "All class, all I've been getting are one to two-word answers. So, I'm gonna ask again, what's up?"


Everything, I wanted to say.

"Look," I began. "I appreciate the apology, but don't think we're gonna be besties all of a sudden."

His eyes squinted at me, as if he was trying to read my mind. But then he winced and seemed to remember that one of his eyes just wasn't meant to squint.

I examined said eye more carefully.

Wow Samu really got you, I thought.

"What do you even—"

"So look, I've decided that we don't even really need to meet that often. I'll send you some details about myself, along with pictures, and you do the same. Then bam, we're done."

He looked stunned. "Okay, clearly something is wrong. Whatever it is, I hope it gets better, but just know that this isn't just your grade. It's mine too, so no, I'm not gonna send you some 'details about myself, along with pictures'."


"I don't want to get Ms. Piper into this, but I will if I have to. Maybe she can explain the importance of actually spending time together to get this done."

I winced.

"Okay. I see your point." I gritted my teeth. 

His rationality was making me hate him even more—or at least want to hate him.

"You need to talk to administration about Samuel," I said.

He looked disgusted. "Is that what this is about? The guy who punched me and gave me a black eye," he said as he angrily pointed to his face.

"Just fix it. Talk to whoever you need to, schmooze whoever you need to, I don't care. Just get him out of trouble."

Now it was his turn to grit his teeth. 

"I don't have that much power. And even if I did, I wouldn't—"

"Well I hope that's not the case. Because let's say, and I'm just spitballing here, but let's just say you were caught cheating. How would you get yourself out of that?"

He looked furious, and it made it that much easier to hate him too.

"I'll see what I can do," he said just before the bell rang.

Today he didn't wait for me and although I was a little upset, I knew this was for the best.


Samuel was back in school by Monday.

So he does have that much power, I thought. Thankfully, not that much that he could get out of a cheating-based expulsion, because then I'd have nothing to lord over him.

As happy as I should've felt about what I'd made happen, I couldn't help but feel I'd destroyed whatever me and Guzmán might've been building. A friendship maybe.

Whatever, I had friends in all the people that mattered. I didn't need a spoiled little rich boy. Even if said boy had the bluest eyes. Eyes you could drown in. Eyes you—

No, don't go there Nadia.

It was Wednesday before we finally spoke to each other. He spoke first. And reluctantly.

"We need to meet soon. There's gonna be a checkpoint coming up and we don't have anything on each other."

"Okay," I said.

He huffed out an annoyed breath.

"I'm swimming tomorrow. After school. Meet me at the pool?"

"I—I don't know if I can," I said. Thinking of how I'd explain to my dad that I was going to be hanging out with a boy at a pool. We'd be working on our project of course, but that's not what my dad would hear.

"It's the only time I have available this week. We need to meet there."

I gulped. "I'll see what I can do."


Lu looked up at Guzmán, mischief in her eyes. "So? What's the verdict?"

"She's gonna meet me there," Guzmán responded angrily. "Look Lu, I don't know if we should do this. I mean—"

Lu lifted her hand to stop Guzmán from saying more. "Guzmán, we have to. She threatened you not once, but twice. It's time to step things up, to show her who's actually in charge here."

"Are you sure this is the only thing we can do?"

"Yes sweetie," Lu reassured. "I'm positive."

Lu took his hand and ran her finger against his palm. 

Guzmán shivered, but out of lust or anguish, he didn't know.

"Tomorrow is the first step to getting Ms. Goody Two Shoes to back off. I mean, have you seen the way she looks at you? This'll be so easy, it'll be over before you know it."

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