Chapter 11

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The next day we didn't so much speak as give each other sly glances every chance we could get. 

It was during one of those exchanges that I found myself being bumped into again—this time, surprisingly not by Lu.

"So," Marina said with a slight smile, "someone seems happy. And distracted."

I cleared my throat and looked away from Guzmán. I didn't want anyone knowing about my inane crush, let alone his sister.

 I guess standing in the middle of a crowded hallway staring at him wasn't the most covert thing to do.

"No, it's just—I don't know I'm happy for the weekend I guess."

"You?" she asked, shocked. "Excited for less school. Wow, I guess pigs really do fly."

I began to walk to class and mentally berated myself for not coming up with a better excuse. Still, what she said kind of annoyed me.

"I care about other things too, you know. My life isn't strictly about school."

"Okay, if you say so," she said over a laugh.

Now she was really starting to get on my nerves. I stopped walking, not caring if I was going to be a little late to class.

"Is there a reason for this conversation? Other than to insult me?"

"Wow, Nadia. Calm down I was just—"

"You know what?" I asked, not really caring for an answer. "I've actually been having a really good day and I don't need this."

She looked both shocked and annoyed. "Um, okay. I really was just trying to be friendly. You don't—"

I stomped away before I could hear the rest.

I don't know why that made me so mad. I hadn't exactly been projecting any other image than the studious scholarship student, but for her to only think of me as that was irritating.

I got as far as the quad before I realized that now I was going to be more than just a little bit late to class, and I wasn't exactly in the mood to explain a 10-minute tardy.

What had gotten into me today?

I sat down at a table and closed my eyes, determined to cool off before I did anything else. I was so focused on calming myself down that I didn't hear anyone sit down next to me.

I opened my eyes to a familiar pair of blue eyes, unusually paired with a frown. Uh oh.

"What was that back there?" Guzmán asked.

"Okay look, if you followed me here to yell at me for the way I talked to your sister you can just—"

"Oh come on Nadia. Like I'd really follow you all the way out here for that."

He sounded mad, which made me even more irritated, so now we were both angry, annoyed, and not willing to talk.

We had what felt like the most intense staring contest ever before I finally caved.

"Your sister didn't believe that I could be excited for the weekend."

"What?" he asked, a confused smirk on his face.

"It's not funny," I said, trying to fight a smile of my own, but now that I said it out loud, it did seem kind of funny. 

He couldn't seem to hold it in any longer, and his laugh made my insides go all gooey. Now we were both laughing, and we were so close that if either of us turned just a little bit closer, we'd be—

"—a break."

"What?" I asked, completely disoriented and slightly embarrassed that all I'd been thinking about was him kissing me when he was obviously thinking of something else.

"You need a break," he repeated. "Look, why don't we just get in my car and see where we end up."

"Guzmán what? We can't just—"

"Yes we can," he said, becoming more confident in his plan. "Look, we're already gonna be really late by the time we get back. And all we're going to be doing is working on that project anyway. What better way to do that than by driving around and getting to know each other?" 

I scoffed. "Guzmán, I really don't know. I mean—"

"Seriously, we can work on it while we're out. And if this is about your dad, he won't even have to know. I'll get you back just in time for him to pick you up."

I must've been losing my mind, because this plan was actually starting to sound appealing.

"I can see it in your face," he said, leaning closer. "You know you want to," he said with a whisper.

That was all it took to get me to do anything apparently, because before I knew it, he had my hand in his and he was leading me to the parking lot.

I was seated in the G-wagon, before I spoke again.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I said, over an incredulous laugh.

He met my eyes and I felt my stomach drop. "Me neither. But you won't regret it."

I looked at the devilish smile on his face and hoped that what he was saying was true. 

I couldn't help but feel I would though, and not for the reasons he would think.

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