Chapter 1

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I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready.

These are the words I silently chanted to myself on the drive over to the school.

I had no other option but success. 

There's no room to fail. Those words came from my dad.

As I took another deep inhale of breath, it seemed as if we had been magically transported because there, right ahead was the school. One more stoplight and we'd arrive.

"Nadia," my father looked over at me and I saw the hard resolve in his eyes. "Do well. This opportunity is not one that comes around often. Take it."

Not one to mince words, my father always got straight to the point. It didn't help that his thick accent often made it seem as if he was barking at you.

"Yes Papa," I responded. I wasn't one to mince words either.

I opened the car door and just as I stepped outside the care my father cleared his throat.

I smiled and reached my head back into the car to kiss his cheek. He was a strict, no-nonsense man, but my father was just that at heart—a dad who loved his children very much.

I waved goodbye as he drove away and watched the car leave for a lot longer than I needed to. I think some part of me didn't want to acknowledge that as soon as I turned around I would have to be walking into my brand new rich people school.

I took a deep breathe and told myself I was being silly. Just as I turned someone bumped into me—hard.

"Oops," said this thick as honey voice.

I looked up into the hazel-eyes of one of the prettiest girls I'd ever seen. Her skin was radiant, her hair long and wavy, her uniform was even accessorized to the point where you could barely tell it was a uniform. I wondered what the school thought about that.

Despite being so gorgeous, she looked scary. This entire time she'd had a perfectly straight smile plastered to her face, but it felt as if her eyes were dead.

"Didn't see you there," she said. I promptly felt a wave of disgust roll through my body.

She turned slowly, and continued walking, but for some reason I couldn't help feeling that was no accident.

There was no time for my paranoia though, today would be the day that I started my new life.

I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready.

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