Party and late Goku

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Your POV:
It's a nice day and Bulma had invited me to a small party they were having so I made my way to the Capsule Corp. Once I've gotten there Bulma ran to me and basically dragged me inside. She called to everyone to introduce me. I had already knew Bulma's son Trunks, his friend Goten and Goten's brother Gohan. I smiled and said hi to everyone at the party. Vegeta scuffed and I did the same that is our way of saying hello. Bulma looked around and frowned "Gohan where's Goku? He's missing the party." Gohan smiled "I'm sure he'll come around. He must be training or farming." Bulma got annoyed, but right when she was out to say something else the door opened and some laughter was heard. "Sorry Bulma that I'm late. Had to get some farming done." The man smiled and laughed again. I looked at the man wearing a orange gegj and with black spiky hair. My heart seemed to skip a beat when I saw his beaming smile and heard his cheerful laughter. Bulma walked Goku to me and I gulped a bit. "Hi I'm Goku. You must be Bulma's friend that she won't stop talking about." I nod and shyly smile "Y-Yeah I'm y-y/n..." He laughs and smiles "No need to be shy around me. I'm friendly unlike Vegeta over there." I smile and giggle softly. Vegeta went up to Goku "Kakarot what's that suppose to mean?!" Goku laughed "I'm just saying you can be a little head strong when you're meeting someone new." Vegeta scuffed and walked off, Bulma sighs. "Goku is right." I smile and nod. "Ain't that the truth, Bulma." I giggle softly

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