Chapter 1

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Three years later

"Good morning New York City! It's 6:00 in the morning and this is berry, welcoming you to a brand new-" Alea slammed her hand down upon the snooze button on the radio that brought the realization that it was another new day.

Sitting up and streaching with a yawn, she shut off her alarm clock and slid out of bed into her fuzzy blue slippers. She grabbed her housecoat off the back of her door and trudged to the bathroom.

Hair straightened (but still maintaining volume), minimal makeup and true religion jeans plus a juicy couture t-shirt later, Alea was ready for her first day of grade 12.

Taking the stairs 2 at a time, she made it to the kitchen expecting to see her dad at the table, but instead, finding a note.


I'm sorry I couldn't be here on this momentus first day of your last year in grade school. Although i wish I could be there, eating the raspberries and waffles that Kelly made for us (they were delicious by the way ;) ) I had something come up that I needed to attend to. I will still pick you up from school and I want to hear every detail from your first day. I love you sweetie.

Your daddy'

Alea sighed and sat down at the table.

As promised, Kelly, their cook, had prepared waffles and fresh raspberries. She ate in the deafening silence of the emptiness, wishing for 7 more people to come fill up the seats around the table and supply the room with noise.

Finishing off her last raspberry, Alea looked at the clock to discover that she was going to be late if she didn't get a move on.

"Thanks for the waffles Kelly!" she yelled as she grabbed her keys off the hook and slid into her light turquoise Porshe boxster.

When she arrived at school, she parked in a space, put her headphones around her neck, flicked her hair so it was outside them, and walked into school ready to start her day.

"Alea!" yelled Brent, running to meet her in a hug. Brent had been Alea's friend since grade 2, when someone glued a button to her hair and Brent punched the idiot in the nose. Best friends ever since.

"How was your morning?" he asked her, a smile evident on his face.

"Meh." Alea muttered. "He wasn't there again. Typical huh?"

The smile drooped off Brent's face once he processed her words.

"Don't worry about him today! Your here now and I'm gonna help you have the best first day ever... And you better help me with the same darn it. Or else no movie night on friday." He said evilly with a wink and a smirk.

"who are we not worrying about now?I don't really remember." Alea questioned in a mock-confused way, fighting to keep the smile off her face and tapping her chin in thought.

"That's what I thought" laughed Brent. "What's your first class?"

"English, how about you?"

"mines science. Think I could change classes?" Brent joked.

"Well, maybe if you charmed the guidence counselor, I hear she's a stunner" Alea kidded. The guidence counselor at their school was a 43 year old woman who was happily married with 5 kids. There was no charming that woman.

"Nah, I think I'll stick to our age thank you very much" he said, mock-disgusted.

"good idea" Alea laughed.

Brent walked Alea to English and they went their seperate ways.

Walking into homeroom, Alea looked around to see if she knew anyone in the class.

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