Chapter 1: Queen

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The burning irritation returned. Queen Diane scratched at the trio of linear scars dressed upon her neck. Once more, she ignored the pain and marched forward down the sun-lit corridor. The gentle warmth of the sun's rays cut through the reinforced window panes, splashing the metal floors with light as she walked. She stopped to face a large brown door that beeped repeatedly upon detecting her presence. A quick retinal scan lifted the door open. She turned her head to the left and saw a pair of green doors leading out to the highest palace balcony. With a heavy sigh and a subtle parting of her graying black hair, she stepped inside the open room. The Queen could not bask in the sun just yet.

The rounded walls inside were paved in the deep green and silver of Earth's banner while the white ceiling towered overhead, as if to mirror the clouds. No shelves or ostentatious paintings lined the walls. No pictures or computer screens. Simple and functional. Diane walked towards the hexagonal table resting at the center of the room. The closest hovering chair made a faint clicking sound before pulling itself out for her. She took a seat and pushed a button on her silver wrist computer. The crimson red projection screen depicted a hologram of the current date: January 20th, 2990, a quarter past four. A full week had passed since she'd last been on Earth.

Her heavy eyes forced themselves shut as she pressed her head against the warm caress of the seat cushion. A panicked scream raced through her sudden dream. Her eyes flashed open and she sprung up from her chair with fists tightly clenched. A cold sweat ran down her face as she breathed in and out. Her pounding heart gradually slowed, though her stiff outerwear kept her from truly feeling it. Everywhere she went, she wore light, sturdy, and flexible silver and black armor, a day younger than her trio of scars. She bit her lip with a scowl as she itched at the scars again. Healing them would be a quick and painless fix in the modern day. but pleas to absolve Diane of her nagging source of aggravation were always met with adamant refusal.

One last meeting for today. One more planet to nurse back to health. Ruling proved much simpler when the Kingdom of the known universe was just the Kingdom of Earth. Today, Xybria; the latest in a long line of planets to bend to the weight of the current war. But if nothing else, Diane anticipated a more joyous meeting as a change of pace.

Right on cue, Diane received a communication from her wrist device. One of her guards informed her of the Ambassador's arrival. She pressed another button on her wrist, overriding security clearances for her meeting room. The door lifted up, revealing a large, green-haired man dressed in beige ropes and wearing a contagious smile.

Diane got up and extended her hand. "Ambassador Trian. An honor to welcome you back to the palace. Please, make yourself at home."

Trian shook her hand with an overly aggressive amount of vigor. "Ha! Earth is my home now, My Queen. My little one loves it here too. It's everything you promised and more."

"Ah, yes. Trip, was it? Your son is quite the ball of energy, Ambassador."

"Not so different from your boy, hehe."

Diane gently smiled and nodded. "I've been away from him for far too long. In any case, let's cut right to it and spare you some valuable time. The Xybrians have been nothing but loyal to me and the Kingdom for years now. I understand and empathize with the recent destruction of many of your home's capital city structures at the hands of the Resistance. I'll be sending over a hand-picked group of representatives to assist in your rebuild at no cost to Xybria. Your new capital buildings will be stronger, and your people more protected, than ever before."

Trian's eyes widened while his mouth hung open. "M-My Queen... you are too generous."

"Hmm, if only more leaders were as open-minded as you."

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