Chapter 6: Assembled

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Carter sat down at one of the lab's computer stations to go over the limited information he collected on General Axis. Taylor on the other hand paced around the room with arms crossed while glancing back at the time portal every few seconds. But still it stood, inactive, as it had been for the last hour.

"Taylor, he won't just appear if you stare long enough," Carter said. "It's like a watched pot."

Taylor shook her head. "One of us should have gone with him. Either of us could have easily convinced Ethan alone."

"I know. But he needed the push. In the few years I've known Jason, I've seen the kind of potential he has. He's sharp, he's passionate, and he wants to make a difference. But he won't grow unless we let him."

"He's also nervy, overly emotional, and child-like. I know you believe in him, but he's still just a novice. They didn't give me a plane and say 'good luck' my first day in the Air Force. You have to earn your wings before you can fly."

"This isn't the Air Force—"

"You think I don't know that? You really think after two years of fighting everything from a giant monster camera to a damn karaoke machine that I don't know the difference? But earning it applies everywhere."

Carter stood up from his console. "Look, I made the decision I thought was best to help Jason. And I stand by it."

Taylor scowled sharply at him. "Help...? Where was our help? Where was this 'Lightspeed Rescue' when Master Org was trying to destroy the world?"

Carter walked up a little closer to her with arms raised. "I have no idea who that is!"

"Bull. Shit... You may come from the past, but no version of you, your little Red Ranger club, or any team was around when we needed it most!" Taylor turned her back to him while her crossed hands gripped tighter to her arms. "...Cole kept us strong, even when we had nothing but the clothes on our backs... We should have died that day... Even though we won, a lot of innocent people weren't as lucky."

"That can't be right. Captain Mitchell would have... Taylor, I had no idea."

Taylor took a deep breath before loosening her arms. "Forget about it. I've just been... frustrated, recently. That battle's in the past, where it should be. Let's focus on winning the present one."

The time vortex sparked and flickered before activating again. The pair turned around as the white and blue hues radiated across the room.

Professor Knox speedily walked in from another part of the lab. "Looks like our Ranger-in-training has finally returned!"

The trio gathered around the vortex as Jason exited it along with Kendrix right after.

Carter grinned. "You see, I told you. Nothing to worry about."

Taylor could only stand there and endure the words this time.

Kendrix walked up to Carter and shook his hand. "Carter Grayson, it's been awhile."

"Always a pleasure, Kendrix. Sorry to have to rush the reunion, but we need to get to the Operations Bay next door. Ethan James is already there working on something to help us out."

"Nice!" Jason replied. "Not that there was any doubt your mission wouldn't be a success."

"Alright everyone, proper introductions to come. But first, let's all head to the next room."

The team moved to the Operations Bay, a base built specifically for emergencies where the Ranger Academy stations could not be accessed.

Kendrix walked inside, looking excited by the futuristic displays, screens, holograms, and gadgets, but not overwhelmed by it. Jason walked in right after her, but Taylor held him up. He stood at attention and tightened up his body, bracing himself for the worst.

Power Rangers Chronic Storm 1: The Axis of PowerWhere stories live. Discover now