Chapter 8: Mission

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Queen Diane remained bound by light blue-colored energy draining cuffs inside a rustic, old fashioned prison block cell within the confines of General Axis' ship. She peered through the dense, blaster-proof window locked up tight in front of her. An unchanging crimson lighting decorated the floors while an empty, dark cell stared back from the other side of the hall. A stagnant sight, that is, until the window rattled and shook before sliding up to reveal the General himself.

Diane refused to look up at his joyful face.

"Good evening, 'My Queen.' Are these accommodations up to par? I can have some leaky pipes installed if that would make it more homey."

"Save it, Axis!" snapped Diane. "You didn't come down here after all this time of keeping me locked up just to rub it in. Now, tell me what you want."

"What I want? Oh no, it's not quite that simple."

"Then please, enlighten me."

"That would take years. But I'll say this much: my planet is filled with warriors; strong, proud, powerful fighters that could end any feud, any conflict, simply by showing up to it. Even lifeforms residing in the scummy underbelly that is the M51 Galaxy know to respect us."

Diane slowly brought her tired, seething face up to meet his. "I know of your people, General. I know of the corrupt way they've always been ruled and you're no different. What you do, how you do it, it doesn't inspire respect, it inspires fear. It's planets like yours that I do everything in my power to stop."

"Your so-called 'power' means nothing from inside these walls, so I highly recommend you keep your political tripe to yourself." Axis crouched down and stared Diane right in the eyes. "You know, even with all my ability and influence, I didn't start out with good fortune. I was always the smallest of my kind, bullied mercilessly and constantly told I'd never amount to anything... And now look at me." He rose back up, casting his shadow against the Queen's face. "Am I so petite to those who kneel before me?"

"You rule Triforia now. If you truly only sought respect, you have that now. So why come after me?"

"Because of your deleterious 'for the people' chatter. We 'people' have never felt more enslaved by your laws and your bills. In this era of 'peace,' you fret not about the lives and livelihoods you stole from those who need war to survive! And now! Oh now, if we were to settle a dispute with another planet in our way, how many channels of high brow bureaucracy would we need sell our cause to? And should we take initiative, we become the villains!"

Diane's expression held, unmoved by his pleas. "We needed stability at a time when the universe was ravaged by every kind of war. Even Triforia suffered under the heat of internal battles and blaster-filled disputes not long ago. Most would call that the furthest thing from 'Civil.' When others forged weapons, I forged alliances. So I will not apologize for your imagined slights simply because you and your kind refuse to adapt to the universe I united."

"Your so-called united universe has never been more divided. And it goes well beyond war. Your kingdom imposes strict rules on where and how trade happens, you enforce crushing limitations on the viability of spacecrafts, and... anyone who speaks against you is mysteriously silenced. What's more, you're so caught up in your pretend peace that when allies slip right through your fingers, you fail to so much as notice."

"What are you talking about?"

"Planetary independence is the only solution. Not that I'd expect you to consider that while you sloth about in your ostentatious palace."

Diane gritted her teeth, but then calmed herself down before glaring back up at Axis. "I have nothing more to say to you. Now then, if you plan to kill me, you best go ahead and do it because if I'm not dead by the time they come, you'll wish you had."

Power Rangers Chronic Storm 1: The Axis of PowerWhere stories live. Discover now