Chapter 12: Arrival

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The team raced through the Moonbase halls to track down the booming sound. Just as soon, a second, even louder blast rang out from the other side of the base. Another, faster alarm blared as flashing red lights continued to coat the hallways, indicating that hostile forces had breached the base.

"Was that a second blast?" asked Ethan.

"Could be enemies coming in from both sides," Carter replied. "Jason, Kendrix, go check it out. We'll keep following the first blast."

"On it," Jason replied as he and Kendrix broke off from the group and headed towards the other side of the base.

The remaining three Rangers kept moving through the hallways, eventually reaching a large, white, octagon-shaped room where a large hole in the wall gave way to General Axis, First Lieutenant South, and a ten-man Triforian warrior platoon.

"Greetings, Rangers," said Axis.

"Guys, let's Ranger up!" ordered Carter as the team fell in line. "Ready?"

"Ready!" The others responded in unison.

"Chronic Storm, Ranger form!" they cried together as they morphed into the Chronic Storm Power Rangers.

The ten warrior line charged the Rangers. The trio pulled out their Chronic Blasters and fired upon the forces. The frazzled warriors used their arms to shield themselves from the onslaught of red lasers while pushing forward fearlessly.

The Rangers charged back while continuing to fire. Carter jumped forward and pushed back the warriors one by one with a series of well placed punches and kicks. The trio continued to move quickly against their larger foes, turning their size against them by dodging the heavy Triforian blows. Haymaker after Triforian haymaker whiffed, leaving the warriors frustrated while the heat of the blasts slowly chipped away at their armor.

Axis tapped his foot impatiently as he watched his warriors go down without so much as landing a shot. South wanted to intervene, but Axis motioned him to stay put.

"Chronic Blasters, full power!" said Carter while the others lined up next to him.

The warriors picked themselves up slowly.

"Center your shot towards the middle of the wave and we can combine the strength of our blasters!"

The team charged up their Chronic Blasters until all three became coated in a bright red hue. They fired them together towards a single spot right in front of the warriors. Their shots fused together into a large orange ball of energy which struck down the warriors, leaving all ten to wriggle, squirm, and groan as their attempts to pick themselves up proved fruitless this time.

"Hmm, I know what you all must be thinking," said Axis with a confident smirk. "A bit early, am I? We had 3 days! However, due to a very recent act of treachery, I needed to adjust accordingly. And now, my forces, along with the soldiers of all the Resistance star systems, are coming here, today, to end your precious Earth. When the battle starts, we will overrun those who dare stand in our way. When the battle ends, this universe will know the freedom of self-rule and independence once more."

"Man, he talks a lot," said Ethan.

Axis launched a string of lighting towards the Rangers, knocking them back and surrounding them in a thin cloud of smoke. "Do not interrupt me while I address you."

Axis moved closer to the Rangers but stopped when he realized that Taylor had pushed herself up. She drove her legs forward as fast as they could take her towards Axis while cocking back her fist.

Axis easily dodged Taylor's swing. "Ha! You Rangers still can't even hit m—"

Taylor quickly turned around and threw a follow-up punch that landed right on Axis' chin, stunning him. "Shut up already."

Power Rangers Chronic Storm 1: The Axis of PowerWhere stories live. Discover now