chapter 12: new hair cut!

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Layla's POV
(Last chapter continue...)

My eyes widen, 'oh gods!'. In place of a necklace there was a sewed 'necklace' the green moon and the purple pearl was stuck in my neck!

"What in the world happened? Why do I have this here?" I breathe. "AGAIN!"

"Breath Layla breath..." Acnologia plus Cancer tried to calm me.... "Okay, let's start with Cancer could paint your hair blonde."

When I calmed down, Cancer stood up and walked behind me. And sat behind me. And then started doing his magic.

30 minutes late...

"Done baby!" He said with a wide smile admiring his success.

My hair started from dirty blonde to Lucy's type of blonde. But it was cutted shorter.

"Oh my..." I say. It was shorter it got down till my lower back. My bangs were shorter too. In place that it reached my collarbone it reached till under my eye. I looked... Different...

"Wear this." Acnologia demanded showing me a blue sundress. A light blue one .

5 minutes later...

It was beautiful. It showed all my curves, it reached my mid-tight.

"Well, um, do you remember this? I gave it to ya at your 18th birthday."

Oh yea I remember! I was at my 18th birthday and he came and gave me the sundress. After about 2 hour me and Acnologia were at the back garden. And there is were he proposed to me.
When Acnologia despaired the dress did too!

"Why did you have the dress? I 'cause you left and the dress did too. Explain."

He scached the back of his neck in embarrassment, "well, um, I wanted something that would remember me of you so I grabbed the sundress and the neckless of the seven dragons aka seven sees." He said shyly. I smiled well it was a valid excuse.

I want to kiss him....

Wait! I can't, I need to close Cancer's gate.

"Thanks Cancer! I'll close your gate now. Plus tell the others about this and tell Leo that I'm okay." Then I closed his gate.

I turned to Acnologia, he was EYES BALING me?!? Same old, same old.

I sigh, lord help me!!

"So, um, Layla can I ask ya why weren't you at the guild for the last 11 years?" He asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"Well I was sent to the celestial kingdom for lecture again!" I said annoyed. Yes I went there for a lecture for the third time. 'Cause there is some types of magic that us as gods can't use. Some gods have the reason to; like my dad he's the god of the demons. Example: the underworld key. Only dad can use or gods that rule that place.

"Let me guess... You used a forbidden spell? AGAIN!"

I nod in embarrassment. "Idiot" he finished, I hided his arm...

Layla's story Book 1 (Acnola) Acnologia×LaylaWhere stories live. Discover now