Corbyn Teaser

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"Um, no? Jacob I'm not doing that.." I replied to my best friend. You see, Jacob was special to me.. he was my best friend who had always been there for me and I've always been there for him. Heck, I was the one that convinced him to come out when he found out he was gay...

But oh god, is Jacob a pain in the ass when he gets like this. "Just do it! Talk to him y/n!" "I don't know how.. to start a conversation.." I smiled weakly. "Like this"

Jacob shoved me into Corbyn's locker, closing the door that was once open. He looked at me enthusiastically before I turned and looked at Corbyn.

"Uh.. hey y/n right?" Oh my god, he knows my name! Don't freak out! "Yeahhh.. hey Corbyn.... my friend kinda shoved me and somehow I landed here!" I laughed awkwardly. 'Somehow' yeah right. "Oh okay, well I was just grabbing my things.. but um.." he stared into my eyes. "You're kinda in the way..."

I snapped out of my little daze. "Oh.. sorry..." Corbyn laughed and shook his head. "Hey how come I haven't seen you at any of my parties by the way?" Um, because I'm an antisocial bitch maybe? "I thought you would prefer me to not go.."

He looked at me confused. "Why would I not want you to go?" "Because I'm not popular or pretty like most of the girls you invite.." True. He shook his head and laughed. "Alright you wanna know something?.. I've had a crush on you since freshman year."

Play it cool.. "Oh.." I replied. "Yeah" I smiled at him. "Well what a coincidence because I have too." Corbyn's eyes lit up. "Well then come to my house tonight. I'm gonna throw a party with a few friends you should come."

I smiled at him. "Alright.. I'll see if I can make it..." I awkwardly stood back up straight, falling back into the locker. Corbyn laughed and helped me back up and I walked off back to Jacob.

"Oh my god.." I mumbled to myself. I just found out my crush liked me! Only stuff like that happens in stories right?
The party. Oh god was I scared. Jacob drove me to Corbyn's and I got out, his car leaving me behind. I instantly regretted coming as I saw a bunch of guys walk past me whistling and cheering into Corbyn's door.

Wdw Imagines // Smut, Cute, Sad 💖Where stories live. Discover now