Mysterious Deaths

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 Chapter 2

         It was five in the morning and I haven’t slept at all. I had taken a shower and was watching television with every light in the house on. I was starting to doze off, only I wouldn't let myself. I was running on fear.

         The front door opened and I screamed my head off. Jen did the same thing, we were both terrified. Only of each other, being places we shouldn't be. I shouldn't be in the living room and she shouldn't be out this late at night.

         "What the hell are you doing up at five in the morning. You gave me a heart attack?" She was hysterical. I was wondering why she was out until five in the morning. All answered questions.

         "Well, I was wondering the same about you" I smiled and looked at her seeing if she would really tell me, though it was highly unlikely.

         "None of your business. Now, either go back to bed or go to your room. I need to rest." She was dressed in black, no wonder I had a heart attack. I wasn't leaving the living room. I defiantly wasn't going to my room.

         "No, I'll stay awake. I'm quiet you'll barley know I'm here." I was telling the truth. I wasn't going to move and walk around all the time. I had nothing to do.

         "Fine, I'll sleep in your parent’s room then." She scuffed. Have fun with the ghost back there, I thought. Like she would be interested in her. Not even George Washington would want to haunt her.

         I spent the rest of my morning frantically organizing things. Apparently I had some kind of OCD. I thought about calling Maia, it was eleven, she should be up. I grabbed the phone and dialed her number. It started to ring.

         "Look, who called. Decided to get rid of her yet, because I'll be glad to help." I chuckled, at least she wasn’t mad at me.

         "Afraid, not. But I could use your help for something. Maybe we could go to the mall today."

        "Hmm.... sounds like a plan. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Don't run away." She hung up. I thought Jen was probably still asleep. Perfect time for her to come over. I didn't do anything special to my hair though I had plenty of time. I straightened it in the bathroom at three in the morning, with my hands shaking. It looked pretty crappy.

         I waited for Maia to get here it felt like forever. She finally opened the door. "Am I happy to see you." she said and sat down beside me on the couch. "I thought the wicked witch of the south locked you away in the basement." The basement, the word gave me chills.

         "Nope didn't happen. She's sleeping her head off right now." I stated looking at Maia's face, it glowed.

         "Really?" She was thinking of something. At the moment I wouldn't think anything she said was a bad idea. She was going to get whatever was coming at her, she deserved it.

         "Don't even think about it." She looked sad her smile diminished. She stated to think of something else.

        "So, what do you need help with?" I wished I never asked. How was I going to tell my friend I was being haunted by a random girl who popped up? Also, she said she was going to kill me. It was a stupid thing to tell Maia I needed help, I should have never said a word. Now she'll never forget.

         I bit my lip. "Well..." She looked too interested. "I...I...” Then I remembered something, the neckless maybe she could help with that.

         "I found this last night." I pulled it out of my pocket and gave it to her to look at. She took it at stared at it cautiously.

         "What do you mean, you found it?" she asked. Now I could tell her, I could explain the whole thing. She would understand.

        "Last night I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard this banging sound. Then I went down stairs and it was coming from a box. I four-" She interrupted me before I could finish.        

        "Wait, so. What was she doing?" she pointed towards the hall. "She probably set you up. This thing is cursed." She dropped the necklace on the ground.        

        "She went out. Then didn't come back till five in the morning. It wasn't her." She was getting too involved with Jen. She was truly paranoid of her.        

        "Are you sure? I think it was her." She said not accepting any other option.        

        "It wasn't her!! Listen to me!" She was making me mad. She could tell, and finally shut up. "I found that necklace in a box. That was the start of the banging. Then I went upstairs to go back to bed. Then there was this girl in front of my closet and she said my aunt ran over her. Also that she had the pride to kill me. She said what goes around comes around and I don’t want a crazy ghost trying to kill me Maia.”  

        She looked at me like I had slapped her and she didn't feel it. Then she laughed, "Okay, I don't know what you've been up too. But I think you need to dim down your imagination." I sighed, that was no help. I turned to the TV and saw I was on some stupid kid show.

         I heard a high pitched beep. The TV read Breaking News. How did I end up on the news? "We have some breaking news, this morning. Two teenage girls were found dead in the woods in Dean County about two hours ago. There was an Amber alert for Kelly Greenwood and Ashley Akers. There were presumed missing at 8:13 pm. We now go to Sheriff Clark to explain more about this tragedy."

         We live in Dean County. I knew those girls. Now there dead, but why? "Wow, that's hard to believe. They were on the honor roll weren't they? Why would someone want to kill them?" I didn't notice she was watching.

        Before I could say anything I heard Jen was up. "What is she doing here? Doesn't she have a house?"

        "Yeah, she does. Now go make a pancake or something." I was trying to get her to go away. She was becoming disruptive.

        "Please, I don't eat breakfast. You need to leave, before I throw you out again." Jen stood there waving her hands around. Like a tyrant, except we weren't doing anything she said.

        "I'm not moving a muscle. So, either shut up or sit down." Maia looked at Jen, who looked like she wanted to shot her. Jen went into the kitchen and I heard the refrigerator open and close.

        "Hey, brat.” Jen stood in front of Maia. Then she squirted whip cream all over Maia's face. She stood up and walked out the door not even saying a word.

        "Why did you do that?" I asked thinking she was crazy for doing it. She should think more before she acts out.

        "I think she needed it but don't worry she'll come back." She squirted some whip cream in her mouth.

        "Not the way you’re treating her! You don't even know her that well...” Jen stopped and looked at me.

         "I know more about her than you do. She has more secrets than a damn dairy. Trust me, she deserves everything she gets." Jen went into the kitchen and I was still on the couch thinking of a lot of things I can't solve. Why there was a ghost? Why did she want to kill me? Why those girls were dead? Why does Jen and Mia hate each other? The next thing I could add to my list.        

        What kind of secrets would Maia not tell me?

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