Forgiveness comes in all shapes and sizes...

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Chapter 16

Amber's Point of View

I woke up an hour ago and its now just turning one. I needed something for the pain that hit my heart almost every minute. I wanted to go back to bed but I wanted to make sure Jen wasn't prowling around the house. She left right about the time I decided to get up, said she had to go do some stuff. I said I really didn't care.

I wasn't up for TV for once in my life. I just wanted to sit on my couch and act like nothing has happened. I was in a daze unlike myself. I was staring at everything on the floor to the wall. Nothing that interests me, a white wall was made up of a bunch of things.You just don't see it unless you look hard enough. My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I had an impulse not to go and open it. I already knew who it was. ;When I opened the door and spoke what I thought. "Go away, I told you I never want to see you again."

"I'm pretty sure the last time I saw you, I don't recall you saying that." I saw a random guy at my door. I just told to go away, well at least I made a point.

"Hi, Isaac, what do you want." That's a better way to sound to someone who I just screwed up talking to.

"Can I come in?" I wanted to say no, because the last thing I needed was another person let into this house. It was bad enough for him to even be standing there at the door. I didn't need anyone else dragged into this mess of a hole I created. No body else needs to fall.

"Yeah, sure come in." I shut the door after him. Thinking this is never going to work out, just like everything else. He sit on the edge on the couch and looked at me. What I forgot was that I was still wearing my pajamas. I sighed, forget it its just clothes. "What is it what's wrong." I was use to asking that to people who just showed up. There was always something wrong, never the opposite.

"Nothing, nothing's' wrong at all. I was just figuring that you might want to go on an actual date. I'm pretty sure the last one didn't count as one." He was still staring at me in my pink poke-a-dot pajamas. Talk about embarrassment, things could be worse.

"Yeah, I guess it really didn't. Just let me change my clothes I'm pretty sure you don't want me to go anywhere like this." He laughed and I went into my room getting a shirt and a pair of shorts. I really wasn't caring much for what I was getting to put on. I was in the process of putting my shirt on when Isaac decided to give me a heart attack.

"Amber!" I hurried up and threw my shirt on and ran into the living room. Sincerely thinking he was hurt or screaming for help. He was still in the same place and looked fine. I must of had a surprised look on my face, mixed in with anxiety. "Someones at the door.... Are you okay?" I shook my head and was cursing the UPS man that was probably at my door at the wrong house.

When I opened the door I shut it as fast as I saw the face. Only their hand was holding the door with a force. I started to push the door closed with all my strength. Still the door was open, "Maia go away! I don't want to see you ever again."

"Too bad, I came over to say sorry and your going to let me in." I laughed and was still pushing the door with all my strength.

"Amber, please tell me why your closing the door in this girls face. She obviously knows you." I was now wishing Isaac would shut up at the moment.

"Amber who's that?" She asked from the opposite side of the front door that was increasingly getting bigger.

I rolled my eyes "His names Isaac, now go away." I lost grip on the door and it flew open. "I don't want to hear it." I stated.

'Look Amber I'm sorry you can't hate me forever." I was about to argue except I saw the change in her face. I didn't ask any questions I quickly turned around. I was expecting to see Isaac in the same form that Brandon was in. He just quietly sat on the couch and gave us weird look. Only we weren't staring at him we were looking at the wall behind him. It was somewhat indented just like the scratch that was on it before. Only this time it said something. Amber I told you it's your turn, say it now or your special friend will be just like the other one. The last five words were in all capital letters.I was mentally thinking about my secret and wasn't planning on saying anything right now. I had a better idea.

"Isaac, let's go for a walk. Then we can talk about what we were planning on doing." He stood up and walked out of the door. Maia and I went out before he could look back into the house and see the wall. I wasn't up for Maia tagging along. I had no other choice.

We ended up telling Isaac I didn't feel and good, so that's why Maia came over to my house. I was mad at her cause she gave me expired milk and that she came to apologize. Then I started acting sick and we walked him home. He refused to go home, he wanted to make sure I was alright. Maia told him she'd take care of me and I reassured him that I'd text him later.

After we started to walk back to my house, she stopped walking. "Okay, I don't know if you forgive me or not but I have a way for you to." I guess I never did say I forgave her. I'm still not sure if I can. "Well, look my mom she has a friend and shes a paranormal investigator. She might be able to help us." Out of everything I everyone I thought I meet, didn't think I'd be meeting a paranormal investigator. Yet again, we already knew my house was haunted what was the point of her coming over to just tell us what we already know. She might have other ideas I guess.

"Let's give it a try." I was thinking of what was going to go wrong. I then thought of something else. "Also Maia, I forgive you." She smiled and started to walk in the opposite direction of my house. Going to a random woman's house. You don't do this everyday.

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