I don't think you understand

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Chapter 18

At first I was deciding whether or not to walk through the rest of the second floor. I was too terrified to see my friend fallen through the floor laying lifeless at the bottom. "Maia..." My voice cracked I was shaking like I was freezing.

I saw the blood drops end at a stacks of boxes. I didn't see anything out of place. "Maia?" I whispered into the air. I didn't hear anything beyond my heavy breathing. I looked to my right looking for her. I heard a box move and turned around. Seeing a flash of Maia's hair before I fell to the ground. Maia pined me down and had a crazed expression. I noticed her eyes were no longer brown but dark. She wore a blank expression, until her face lit up with a smile. I was about to say she really got me. I was really truly terrified. Until she smiled and her teeth were spotted red and her grip tightened. I was screaming for nothing, no one was going to help me.

I then realized why Maia was like she was. Even if I was barley listening to Nancy, I remember she said it was easy to be possessed. Especially when you talk to a spirit and are in their home. I didn't listen to much after that considering I have no idea how to fix this.

"Getting scared yet Amber, cause I think it's time you die instead of me. Be glad it's your friend instead of me. Could have ended much more painfully." I looked over to where I heard her voice, only Maia's laugh was right in my ear. I was confused that if Maia was possessed by her then why was I hearing her farther away. I starting shaking the thought when I saw Maia smiling like a goof. She reached for a broken piece of glass. I elbowed her in the face and started running away. I ran down the stairs dodging the hole helplessly sliding down the rest of the stairs.

I got to the door and tried to open it getting nothing. I had to think, there was no way I was getting out of here without Maia. I ran into the kitchen and stopped. "Miss me?" Emily was standing there just looking at me, she had nothing evil about her she looked like a regular person. I grabbed the trash can I left on the floor. I looked in it, forgetting about the stupid book. "looking for this?" Emily held the thing like it was a trophy and she was rubbing it in my face.

"Amber?" I turned around seeing Maia. She looked fine, but I didn't have time to explain what happened, I needed that book. I didn't know what to do, I was really scared. I thought about taunting and where it would get me.

"Give me the goddamn book." She laughed and dropped it at my feet. I looked at Maia who was staring at me in disbelief. We waited for her to say something or any hint to why she did it. I went to pick it up and watched it flash away and was thrown into a stack of boxes.

"Amber just because I'm dead doesn't mean I don't have a catch."

"What's that, get you some kind of force field. Sounds like a good idea to me. Since you like to throw people ten feet away." She smiled sending me to the stairs. It hit the middle of my back and took my breath away. My vision was blurry but I could hear, that was something.

"Funny, don't be smart with me." i saw Maia was still standing there.

"What's the catch." Emily smiled.

"Get the book and scram." I saw Maia picked up the trash can and picked up the book. She moved to fast for me to see. She looked like she had grabbed out the sage and lit it, then lit up the trash. "Sneaky little..."

Maia threw the sage catching Emily on fire, causing her to make this god awful scream. Without hesitation she ran over to me and helped me up. I saw the kitchen turn into a big flame. She opened the door and started to run down the stairs, making me half limp and half walk. When she got far enough away she stopped and I decided to sit. Mostly because I could barley see to count my fingers.

"Amber, what if the fire department shows up?" That was the only thing she was worried about? I could have a concussion for all we know. She just set a ghost on fire, and were still sitting here and that is the first thing she asks me? No, are you okay or Do you need something?

"If they do, just say we saw someone run off into the woods right after we found out there was a fire. We didn't have any cell phones and were seeing what houses were around." Maia looked like she went along with it, but I could tell she wasn't sure of herself. "Let's just go before they get here."

After Maia stood there she finally started walking behind me. We should be celebrating that Emily was dead and actually dead. Instead of moping around like we've done lost a game. I kept walking until I heard footsteps stop. I turned around seeing she stopped and was staring at me. "Maia, what is it? What is wrong with you? We just finished getting rid of Emily, we should be happy. Now we can spend our summer like we should be." Her face was stuck in a frown. She wasn't smiling at all.

"We still have to get rid of Jen, Amber." I was thinking I wished those words didn't exists. Only I remembered it wasn't the words, I wished Jen didn't exists. Now we only have one way of getting rid of her, and it doesn't seem pretty.

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