Getting rid of a ghost...

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Chapter 17

I sat in a blue chair in a small living room. The walls were painted dark green giving it a gloomy feel. I was staring at the plate of colored candy on the table in front of me. I then focused my gaze back on the middle aged woman sitting across from me. I remembered our walk over here, I think Maia said her name was Nancy. "It's nice to see you Maia and your friend Amber." I was pretty sure I didn't tell this woman my name yet and she already knew it. Maia's mom probably talked about us being friends I was hoping.

"It's nice to see you again." Maia was slightly quiet around her. She would feel better if she knew if Nancy could actually help. That would be the best thing I ever heard.

"So, what did you come here for." At least she knew we just didn't stop by. I waited for Maia to tell her but she sat there quietly. I decided to tell her exactly why we were here.

"We wanted to ask you a couple of questions." She nodded her head for me to continue, I really wish Maia was the one who started asking the questions.

"How do you get rid of ghosts. like permanently?" She considered her options for before answering. Instead she tried to figure out what we meant.

"Is the ghost's name Emily?" I turned to Maia who was quietly whispering a yes. I was regretting coming here, this woman wasn't helping us she was intimidating us. She sounded like a Medium instead of a paranormal investigator. "She's closely constricted to you two.. she also seems very angry." She lingered at the end as if a ghost being angry wasn't normal for once.

"We know, how do we get rid of her?" She wasn't to accepting to my comments mostly to the fact I wasn't interested in knowing what Emily felt about us. She just wanted revenge from the dead.

"There's many options to consider. Usually spirits stay to a place they love, like their own house or where they died. You can use the force of vanishing a spirit with a couple of simple things. A strong spirit like her though..." She stopped talking for a minute and just stared at us. I was getting quite irritated at her. Maia finally said something.

"A strong spirit like her what?" Nancy took a long breath.

"it's not that simple to get rid of her." Now we can just go back and act like nothing was wrong. Everything has to be as complicated as it can get. Nothing is easy for us. She stood up and got a book of the shelve. "Most spirits respond to prayers and cleansing. Sometimes when the ghost is a presumable human form is typically when nothing works. To be honest Emily is a very strong spirit that is capable of doing this. Most exorcist use prayers for a possession, in this case no one had been possessed but it could happen." Do we really need to cleans my house and walk around saying little prayers. I don't think that will help us. It will help us get killed. " I would try these things, but not in your house."

"Why not in my house, if shes there." I was thinking of the locket the one I found in the basement.

"I would do it in her house. I don't care if it's a empty place on the ground or if its falling down, do these things there. Also, I'm picking up a locket that was hers. I would bring that to her house and leave it for her. I would do this in an order and don't listen to her for anything. It's dangerous for getting possessed by her." She stopped and I saw Maia was writing all this down. "One more thing..." I was thinking shes going to say Emily was here with us, wouldn't surprise me. "You have to burn the whole place to the ground."

"What?" Maia and I were thinking the same thing. I didn't want to set that place on fire. She'll just have another reason to come back and kill us. Nancy held her head and looked at the ground. "Are you okay Nancy?"

"Who has a friend named Isaac?" My heartbeat started beating so fast my head was pounding.

"Me, what's wrong with him." She looked at me worriedly, I was about to kill this woman for not answering me.

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