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jihoon shuts the door behind him. uttering a small "i'll be back soon! dont  do nasty stuff okay!" to his roommate wonwoo. he spouts that as the latter was with his boyfriend, mingyu, who claims that he was there to 'accompany' him.

"shut up! and buy me some of those milktea pouches okay!" wonwoo responds.

jihoon nods in acknowledgement despite this not being seen by his roommate.

he walks towards the elevator by the end of the long hallway and waits for it. the elevator is slightly old and rusty but he insists on using it despite him just living on the 3rd floor, but he believes that it beats walking down 3 flights of stairs. he's literally the most motivated and energetic amongst y'all.

the elevator soon opens before him and jihoon steps inside. he presses the ground level floor and it then proceeds to that level. he gets off and makes his way to the convenient store right in front of his apartment complex. he thanks the heaven for the store being literally convenient.

as he crosses the street to get to the store, a sudden red car blazes its way to jihoon while honking loudly. luckily it stopped before it can cause any casualty. jihoon was in too much of a shock and rage to respond.

as the driver of the red car got out, jihoon saw a face he was familiar and despised of, it was a neighbor and schoolmate of his.

he was wearing a denim jacket paired with black ripped jeans and a white tucked shirt paired with a dumbfounded gaze was what jihoon faced.

"oh uhm sorry about that." the guy said but didn't look apologetic.

"yeah sorry is all you can say. you're lucky there wasn't any casualties. oh and are you stupid? how can you drive that fast without looking in front of you!" jihoon says angrily.

"oh sorry, i got a notification from food panda." the guy says.

"the fucking audacity..." jihoon thought.

"whatever.. watch where you're going next time. idiot." jihoon says leaving the last word as a whisper.

jihoon rolls his eyes at him as he turns his back on him. pushing open the door of the store. "i hope i never see him again. how arrogant."

as he roams around the shop and gathered everything he felt like eating and drinking, also remembering milktea that wonwoo wanted, he proceeded to pay for the items by the counter.

once finishing up on the counter, he carries the plastic bag in his hand and heads back to his apartment, just wanting to eat the foods then sleep comfortably after.

as he presses for an elevator, he sets down the plastic bag and patiently waits, just playing something on his phone.

as he hears a 'ding' from the elevator, he sets his phone down and gets ahold of the bag again.

as jihoon settles inside the elevator, he sees a man rushing by the entrance to get to the elevator, but jihoon quickly recognizes the figure and presses the close button several times, but to no avail, the guy still manages to stop the elevator from closing by putting his foot as a barricade.

as the elevator doors open up once more, the man quickly steps in and heaves out several relief breaths.

"gee t-thanks a lot." the guy says but was obvious that it was laced with sarcasm.

jihoon ignores him at this.

they spend several nanoseconds together before they hear an unknown part of the elevator to wind up and let out ominous sounds.

the elevator moved unsteadily which made the two to lose balance.

the elevator then entirely stopped.

"fuck" they both thought.


hope you liked this chap yay wahah

P.S. vote !!! for !!!! seventeen !!!!!

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