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five hours onto being entrapped

after what seem like an hour of watching just vine videos, jihoon's felt his eyes drooping.

not only that, but his phone displayed a notification stating it hit 10% battery charge.

with this notif, jihoon decided to stop watching the video that was playing, and put away his phone at the moment.

"we still might need it later.. if ever." jihoon softly reasons.

soonyoung sad but cutely pouts, before letting out a small yawn.

true to say that drowsiness can certainly be passed on.

jihoon also lets out a yawn, feeling his eyes drooping slowly.

"you sleepy hun?" soonyoung questions the drowsy jihoon.

jihoon doesn't even have sufficient energy to retort back to the older and his silly nicknames, which he honestly don't mind anymore.

he just nods to soonyoung's question.

"do you want to rest your head on my lap? i honestly won't mind." soonyoung asks.

jihoon takes a short while to answer, but in the end he takes up the kind offer. "well if you insist. thank you soonyoung-ah."

soonyoung nods and smiles cheekily before positioning himself much to jihoon's comfort.

jihoon slowly lays his body on the cold metallic contraption before quickly adjusting to the cold floor.

he slowly laid his head into soonyoung's lap, which already made soonyoung fairly happy.

as a sleepy jihoon adjusted to the warmth of the other's body, he started to drift off.

"are you really sure this is fine?" jihoon softly says.

soonyoung softly smiles. "of course, you big cutie."

jihoon manages to let out a small snort before finally drifting to sleep.

soonyoung chuckles softly to himself, admiring the cute figure in his lap.

he raised his hand slightly upwards before feeling a bit of hesitation, he wouldn't dare disturb the sleeping figure, but something inside him made him want to feel those soft-looking black locks of hair.

he swore, he isn't some big weirdo or whatever, but he just wanted to be even closer to the other, maybe in romantic terms.

soonyoung slowly and carefully rested his hand on top of jihoon's head. threading his fingers with jihoon soft locks.

he meticulously continued to softly rustle the hair of the smaller, to which the sleeping figure seemed to like as he melted even more to the touch and sleep more soundly against the lap.

soonyoung softly smiled to himself as to how cute the other was just merely doing the bare necessity.

he didn't know what came onto him but he decided to interlocking his hand with the jihoon's hand that was resting on top of his torso.

soonyoung continued to slowly thread his fingers against the lock of hair of the younger, before feeling himself drift off to sleep too.


jihoon woke up, feeling refreshed but still drowsy, he slowly adjusted his posture in a way that he was facing the ceiling.

he saw soonyoung fast asleep and was snoring lightly, which made jihoon smile lightly.

it took a short while for jihoon to notice on where soonyoung's hands were actually placed as he felt unnecessary weight on himself.

he noticed how one of soonyoung's hand was rested atop of his head, just resting there, and the other hand just made him furiously blush.

a simple yet very soft gesture, soonyoung's hand was intertwined with jihoon's.

jihoon couldn't help but gush over a tender move. he felt like a middle-school kid all over again, with all the romantic gestures, all the sweet name-calling, which made his heart flutter. and that this could be an actual possibility for someone to be his special other.

"just what are you doing to me soonyoung-ah?" jihoon asks to himself.

wanting to make a sign of gesture for his thanks to soonyoung for letting him sleep, he slowly lifts up his other hand, to place on the side of soonyoung's head and gently pats it.

surprisingly, soonyoung leans in forward to the touch of jihoon and sleeps even more soundly now.

jihoon lets his heart pound against it own as he continue to thoroughly caress soonyoung's cheek before quietly sighing to himself.

"am i actually falling for this guy?" jihoon contemplating on his own.

little did jihoon know, his own question was bugging soonyoung himself and had the exact same question running through his mind as he slept.

as jihoon continued on with his soft gesture, he also managed to lull himself to sleep, his hand fell on soonyoung's lap.

and that's how they spend their fifth hour on the metal contraption; basking in the warmth and physical presence of each other, and maybe getting even more emotional closer too.


i hope you all enjoyed !

thank you very much for 4k+ reads !!!! i love you all<3

PS.hype svt's upcoming cb and dont forget to support them on twt and vote!

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