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After sometime sitting there alone without uttering anything we again come back to the hotel and we went in our respective rooms without even looking at each other ........
Why the hell I asked that question to him how can I be so stupid I knew the answer still I asked that to him ...... 
He didn't loved you anika......he never loved you he only loved that girl who is his wife now not you get that in your bloody head you idiot ......
I lay on my bed and tears started falling from my eyes......
Why I'm feeling bad after listening this why?????......
I hit my fist with bed
That bastard ruined my life and now enjoying his life I can't forgive you for this shivaay I just hate you for making my life hell .......
I was just weeping and cursing myself for falling for him And I didn't realize when sleep took over me

Pinky POV
I got a call from him and he asked me to come in his room I headed towards his room may be he got an idea for using anika ......
As soon as I reached there he asked me to sit
Pin: so say what is the plan
Man: its simple use anika's hatred instead of her love
Pin: I didn't get it .....
Man: its simple pinky first we decided to use anika's love for shivaay to get the profit but shivaay refused it so now we will gonna use her hatred for shivaay to get profit
Pin: but how can we use that
Man: leave that to me you just have to make sure anika keeps on hating shivaay I don't want her love to come in between
Pin: don't worry about that
Man: good now I know what I hate to do ........

I opened my eyes and rubs my eyes and took my phone and I got shocked its 7 in the evening thank god today there is no function but still I have to go down and meet my friends ......
I quickly climb down my bed and goes inside the washroom for getting ready ........

           (Anika's look)

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           (Anika's look)

I decided to go in dining area as everybody must be there .....
I was walking in the hall when I saw shanaya but i guess she didn't saw me she was wearing a beautiful short dress and I know for whom she wore this but where is shivaay I know him well he is really possessive about his loved ones he will never allowed me to wear such short dresses and when ever I fight with him he used to allowed me with much difficulty and then not gonna leave my hand even for a second when i wore such clothes in public but here she is all alone is he changed or he was possessive for me only .......
I thought to follow her and I hid my face with the hoddie I was wearing we both got in the elevator and soon her floor comes I followed her but soon she enters in a room and I couldn't able to find in which room .....
Ani: dammit ..... I missed her ..... But wait why I was following her......
I presses the button for the elevator but when elevator opened I was shocked shivaay was standing inside it and busy with his phone I think he also didn't notice me as I was not alone few more people were also there with me ......
I thought he will gonna come outside as it was shanaya's room floor but to my surprise he didn't came out ......  I got inside soon the elevator opened one floor above my floor and he goes out I decided to follow him and thats what I did whole time he was busy with his phone and soon I saw him entering in a presidential suit present on that floor
Ani: Is he is not sharing his room with shanaya or what??????  I want my answers
Then I decided to knock his door and that's what I did ......
After a few knocks he opened the door with some difficulty ....... As soon as he opened the door he was shocked I know he didn't expect me at all
But before he can say anything I pushed him and goes inside the door and locked it
Shiv: what are you doing here ?????? I told you to stay away then why are you here???? Are you stalking me .....
Ani: keep dreaming ...... I want to meet shanaya
He frowned and I can see he was tense
Shiv: I told you to stay away from me and my wife can't you get that in your head leave right now (he yelled)
Ani: stop yelling and I want to talk to her it is professional nothing personal
Shiv: yeah right professionalism says to enter in somebody's room like this without there permission
Ani: stop complaining and tell me where shanaya is
Shiv: she is not here she must be with her friends
Ani: she is not here and you are just relaxing
Shiv: she is not a kid she has her life and I'm not her bodyguard
Ani: fine I will wait till she returns.....
His becomes more tense
Shiv: no you can't come tomorrow I will make you meet her
Ani: I want to meet her now
Shiv: Anika I don't want her to see us alone in a room so just get out
Ani: why???? Don't your wife believe you ......well I can't blame her you a re not worth of any bodies trust .......
I saw the sadness and pain in his eyes but soon they became emotionless again
Shiv: I said get out before I call the manager
Ani: fine then call and then create a news for media that anika kapoor and shivaay Singh oberoi was all alone in shivaay Singh oberoi's room and then your family will be proud on you ........ 
He sighed loudly and goes inside the bathroom in anger
I sat on the bed and start thinking .......
He is saying she is with her friends but i saw her going inside another room that means either shivaay is lying and she was living in separate room or shivaay is saying truth and she is lying to him and cheating him ........
Well if she is cheating him this will gonna be the bestest news of this year I will surely throw a party ......
It will gonna be tit for tat he betrayed me and now his beloved wife shanaya will betray him......
Wait anika you can't assume things like this you have to be sure about the things...... Otherwise you will make a fool of yourself .....
Yess I have to search for the truth and then I will celebrate ......
But this will gonna be so good that shanaya will be cheating on him and then he will get to know that how it feels when you love somebody and that person betrays you and cheat you ..... I know I must be sounded like a devil but he did the same to me and now he will also have to go through the same thing and he deserves that ....... If he can betray someone then he also deserves the same ......

Thanks for reading  😊😊😊😊

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