The Grand Dinner At Redpond

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   It was a starry night in Palestine. The Mahadi Family Went out to The Red Pond Restaruant. Ravi said "Wow this is a nice restaruant". A big diamond chandilier hung in the middle of the restaurant with a mosaic tile floor in a circle under it for dancing. The walls were white with flowers on them and the outlines were sealed with trimmed gold. It was very noisy and people were dancing to the music and chatting with friends. "Ravi what are you going to get to eat they have a very wide selection of choices on the menu" Said Mrs . Mahadi Ravi's mother. Soon the waiter came by to talk all the orders. Thats when A loud bomb hit the side of the building.  Everyone began to scream and the room shaked and rumbled. Bombs had been dropped . The mahadi family ran out amd looked into the sky as Israeli fighter jets soar through the air. They quickly jump into the car and drive home really fast. They watch as rockets land into homes amd blow's them up. Cries could be heard all through the city of Gaza. They jumped out of the car and ran into the house.

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