15- An Interesting Morning

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Ryan woke up wrapped in Shane's arms. He blushed, remembering the night before. He just laid there not really wanting to get up. Besides, Shane was warm.


Shane opened his eyes, and smirked at Ryan. He was sleeping in Shane's arms. Shane started making circles on Ryan's back with us finger.

"Good morning Shane." Ryan mumbled.

"Wha.." Shane was startled. "You're awake?"

Ryan nodded. "Mhmm. I've been awake for a while."

"Oh, okay."

Ryan turned around so that he was facing Shane now. "Shane, I love you." Ryan mumbled into his chest.


"Shane, I'm not forcing you to say it back, I'm telling you that I love you. You can say it whenever you're ready."

Shane nodded. "Okay."

The truth was, Shane did truly love Ryan, he was waiting for the right time to tell him.

They just laid there for a while. They eventually fell asleep. After all, they weren't needed anywhere else.


Well... maybe they were.

Ring ring ring
Ring ring ring

Shane picked up his phone. "Hello? Shane?" It was Eugene.

"Hi. What is it?"

"Um it's Tuesday morning, you and Ryan aren't at work. Where are y'all?"

"Um we are at Ryan's house."

"Oh really?" Shane could practically see Eugene smirking.

"Well you guys should come to work. If you aren't here in 5 minutes, I'm going over there."

"Eugene! That's not enough time!"

"Sure it is." Eugene said and hung up.

Shane sat up very quickly, making Ryan wake up. "Shane?"

"Ryan, we have 5 minutes to get to work or else Eugene is going to come over here."

Ryan shot up "Well let's hurry!"


It had been about 10 minutes now. Shane was pulling on clothes and Ryan was in the shower.

Knock knock knock

Shane walked to the door and opened it, revealing a smirking Eugene.

Shane's shirt wasn't completely buttoned, his hair was everywhere, and his lips were slightly swollen from the events of last night ;)

"Well y'all must've had a fun night." He said.

Shane blushed. "Shut up." He mumbled.

Shane beckoned for Eugene to come in. He went to the bathroom door and knocked on it. "Hey Ryan, Eugene is here."

"Oh god." Ryan sighed.

Eugene laughed. "Come on guys we haven't got all day."


Finally they were at work, at their desks.

Ryan was working on editing this week's video. Getting Shane's approval every once in a while for some idea he has.

Shane was... I don't even know what Shane was doing. He was most likely watching other people. One thing he noticed was Ned, Keith, Zach, and Eugene all packing up their stuff. Very slowly.

"Hey what are y'all doing?" He asked curiously.

"Well um, we need your help. Both of you."


456 words

Yea pretty short sorry :/

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